Roadmap to 3.2
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Roadmap to 3.2
See RFCs for Koha 3.2 for a list of candidate features.
RFCed features that are substantially complete
- Koha E-R diagrams and tables information RFC
- process files from an offline circulation tool
- Upgrade jQuery to 1.3.2 RFC See bug 3297
- adding/updating call number splitting algorithms in C4/
- Staff search results interface changes RFC See bug 3263 and its dependencies
- Email checkout slips RFC
- Hold request targeting RFC - see koha bug 2522
- Filtering and sorting the overdue report using patron attributes RFC See bug 2866
- Default Messaging Settings RFC
- Support for Syndetics enhanced content RFC
- Place hold on multiple items See bug 3093
- Tag multiple items RFC See bug 3034
- Support for multiple PAC interfaces by URL RFC See bug 3244
- OPAC display with XSLT for UNIMARC
- Impossible to disable Amazon reviews without disabling Amazon book cover
- Notifications and OPAC messaging
- Fill the borrowernumber field, and show author and creation date
RFCed features expected to make freeze date
- Central Authentication Service compatibility RFC
- Stop copying item records to bib's MARC and MARCXML RFC
- Acquisitions - awaiting integration
- Managing permissions on acquisition module
- Order workflow changes/improvements RFC (done)
- Basket filling improvements RFC (done, except line moving)
- Output order upon closing the basket RFC
- Improving searches on orders RFC (partially done)
- Create item when ordering RFC
- Buying analysis RFC (done)
- Improving statistics on acquisitions RFC (partially done)
- Refining the budgets hierarchy and informations RFC (done)
- Refining the management of funds & budgets RFC
- Bibliographic searches within acquisitions RFC
- OPAC suggestions: search catalogue and suggestions before adding RFC
- OPAC suggestions: Put a hold on item when suggestion is received RFC
- Enhance Suggestions Workflow RFC
- Allow stemming for other languages - awaiting integration
- Item status auto-change RFC
- Item status bulk change RFC
- Hold request flag in circ matrix RFC
- General improvements for holds requests RFC
- Calculate fines in days debarred RFC - awaiting integration
- Patron self-managing privacy RFC - awaiting integration
Features without RFC on wiki expected to make freeze date
- System preferences editor revamp (Jesse Weaver)
- Labels rewrite (Chris Nighswonger)
- RFID support code (
- category of patrons editor (
Features and cleanup projects expected to be partially complete
- Add "use warnings" to all scripts and modules RFC See bug 2505
- Update parts of the staff interface to use AJAX RFC
- Improved granular permissions RFC
- Merge biblio and biblioitems tables RFC - note this may be a bit of stretch
- Advanced patron search RFC (partially complete via PTFS SQL patron search interface)
- Web standards support RFC
- Acquisitions by EDIFACT ( - may need reintegrating with acq
Feature Freeze
- By end of day on 6 September 2009
- start a 3.4/future at that point in time
- bugfixes, stabliization, and 3.2 translation
- Progress chart
- by end of March 2010
- 3.0.x to 3.2.0 database update reconciliation (bug 4141)