Calculate fines in days debarred RFC

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Koha 3.0 lets the library define fines in money only. Some libraries needs to be able to set “debarred” fines. When a patron returns books lately, he is debarred for some days. The debar-fines will require :

  • addition of a new field in patrons table, enddebardate, that is filled with the end of the debarring.
  • the debar status will still be set by overdue rules.
  • when the patron returns the book, if the fines are set to “days”, then Koha will calculate how long the patron is debarred. X = today - returndate - grace time. The patron is then debarred and the enddebardate is set.
  • Calculation of the enddebardate. How the end of the debar date is calculated depends on a syspref too. It can be debardate = debardate+X (debarment cumulative), or debardate = max(debardate,today+X) (debarment not cumulative)