Refining the management of funds & budgets RFC

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RFC: refining the management of funds & budgets

Once we have a budget hierarchy in place (see Refining the budgets hierarchy and informations RFC), we should be able to better management the budgets themselves, i.e. the amounts.

Currently a budget is created with an amount attached to it. One can have encumbrances and invoices on this budget. But to change the amount on the budget (say add $1,000 to the initial $10,000) one can only go change the initial amount. We'd rather add a "manual credit" of $1,000 and have Koha record it as such rather than change the initial amount.

Proposition for this RFC is as follow.

The page admin/ is changed.

Top of the page presents "budget informations": name of the budget, date of beginning, date of end, library. With an "edit" button to change these informations.

Then a table presenting all the financial operations that happened on the budget, ordered by date. With tabs.

Tab #1 - budget operations, with columns:

  • transaction number #n
  • type of transaction: credit / debit
  • vendor : either taken from the vendor list, or empty
  • amount
  • date of the transaction
  • a note field

That could look like that:

credit :: <empty> :: 10,000 :: 2008/01/01 ::: initial budget

debit :: TAYLOR :: -245 :: 2008/01/03 :: invoice #987

credit :: TAYLOR :: 50 :: 2009/01/09 :: reimbursement #759


Tab#2 - Create manual operation Based on members/ and members/ one could add or substract amounts to the budget manually. Form fields to fill in would be:

  • dropdown: credit/debit
  • dropdown: vendor or empty
  • amount
  • note field
  • date (hidden field)