Documentation meeting 25 June 2024

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Video conference meeting using Jitsi at

  • We are using an (open source) video conference platform for the discussion part of this meeting. You don't have to turn your camera on if you prefer not to be seen; but if you are able to use a mic it should make our conversations a lot easier!
  • To join the meeting, click on the meeting link. If you are on a desktop computer, it will open in a browser window; no need to install anything. To join on a mobile device, you will need to download the Jitsi Meet app (from Google Play; from Apple Store).
  • Browsers will ask for permission to use video and audio devices: check or review these settings if you have audio or video issues.

We will use an online collaboration pad to record the meeting minutes, including TODOs and ACTION information.



Add your name here if you would like to attend but can't make it.

  • Caroline
  • h2 (heather)

In attendance

  • Aude
  • David
  • Manu
  • Philip


Review of action points

  • See previous meeting.
  • Aude to update the Documentation management Wiki page. DONE
  • Caroline to move the MarcEdit section of the manual to a wiki page (not done - bug 36990 was created, anyone can pick it up; I don't expect to have time to work on this in the short term)
    • We will leave it for now as none of us really have a lot of experience with MarcEdit. ACTION: Philip will ask in Mattermost if anyone (maybe Koha-US) has time to take over.
  • Philip to share dates and times for all meetings in the 24.11 cycle. DONE - see Mattermost pinned message in Documentation channel
    • Aude to add them to the Koha community calendar. DONE
    • Question for Caroline and Marie-Luce - are the 13:00 CEST meeting times OK? We can also postpone another meeting to 15:00. ACTION Philip: Ask them. DONE
    • ACTION: Philip to ask Martin for the Koha website invitation mail DONE
  • Aude to coordinate with Philip to plan an online Documentation workshop in July. DONE - see Documentation Drop-in Sessions page, Tuesday 30th July 12:30-15:30 UTC
    • ACTION: Aude and Manu will coordinate a french-speaking Documentation workshop. Date and time TBD.
    • ACTION: Aude to set up reminders for the general documentation drop-in sessions for mattermost and mailing list.
  • Ongoing action points - see below
  • Documentation workflow - see below

What the team has been working on

  • Caroline has been working on the permissions section: adding headings, anchors (to directly link to the correct permission) and more details about their use. (done and merged: revamped permissions section; notes were added in sections that need a permission linking to the specific permission needed, see example in Libraries)
    • Many thanks to Caroline for the hard work!
    • Future sections relating to permissions should use a note in the same way that Caroline has set it up now in the Libraries example. ACTION: Philip will put a note about it in the Documentation Content Development page

Ongoing projects

Automated screenshots (Jonathan, Caroline, Aude) - Bug 34076

  • ACTION Aude will drop Joubu a message in the Documentation chat to check where we are up to and how we can help. DONE. The ball is back in our court - Caroline, Philip and Aude to continue work analysing the easy images.
    • ACTION Aude: make sure the instructions are up to date!
    • If we need more logins for screenshot page, contact Joubu
    • ACTION David: ask Joubu for a login
    • ACTION Aude: post about it in the mailing list and in Mattermost
    • ACTION Aude to update the bug on bugzilla with info about what has happened and what is to do
    • Also see "Guidelines" Doc on the google drive for the instructions ("click", "go_to", "set_syspref")

Re-organising the manual (David Nind) - Bug 32391

  • David is still working on this - trying to fix a navigation issue. See a preview (for an older version of the manual)
  • We will start with alphabetical organisation of the navigation links and later on maybe look at grouping by logical groups
    • Manu points out: Alphabetical order will only work for the english version, as soon as it is translated it will no longer be alphabetical.
    • ACTION David: find out in Sphinx - Could we use a function to "sort dynamically" for alphabetical sorting in every language, instead of static sorting the way it is now?

Accessibility issues in the Manual (Philip and team) - Wiki page

  • GitLab issue 44: colour contrast all sorted. Thanks to Philip and Caroline!
  • Philip will create GitLab issues for each of the points raised in the audit. ACTION Philip: do this!
  • Next priority: fixing the search box.
    • ACTION David: to check the theme to see if it's possible to add a "search" button to the searchbox

Documentation workflow: issues and ideas

Older Koha versions' manuals (Aude)

Actions from last meeting:

  • DECISION We only want to support Koha manuals for supported Koha versions.
  • ACTION Aude to unpublish DONE (made it private)
    • update the main Documentation page regarding legacy versions; DONE
    • add a mention of where the "Help" link goes on older Koha versions. DONE
  • ACTION Aude to check with Joubu how long the files will be kept in his local repository. DONE
    • it's his personal repo, if we want to communicate a link to the community then please at least use a shortened URL:
      • This will be going away in 3 month's time! Please download by 25th September (by next KohaCon).
      • Possibly can still be found over Internet Archives later, though not complete.
      • ACTION Aude: tell Joubu the deadline is by 25th September 2024 DONE
  • ACTION Philip to inform the Koha general list (what we decided, where and when to download old manuals if people want them). DONE
    • mailing list, mattermost, newsletter and just in case mention it in an upcoming Koha-Development meeting

Content Development Guide

Ongoing work to build a Documentation content development guide.

  • Anything recently added to the page that people want to review or discuss?
    • Caroline added some instructions to Documentation style guide.
      • DECISION: we will use the page "Documentation content development", not "documentation Style Guide", in the future.
      • ACTION David or Aude: take the rules from style guide and put in content development page instead
      • Also deprecate the style guide page so we don't get confused!
      • ACTION Philip: check if GitLab has a ruler for "80 characters" in the single edit files in web IDE / browser mode or something similar for cut off
    • Aude re-organised / simplified the content development guide.
  • Questions to cover (please add yours too!) POSTPONED TO NEXT MEETING - ACTION for anyone who has time: check the documentation content development guide page: do we have more questions to cover?
    • ACTION David: Open question / something to try out: what do we use (possibly instead of single quotes) if a button text contains an apostrophe?
    • Use cases: how can we include more of these to better show how Koha features are used together?
      • Formatting; where to insert them (new chapters or sections needed?)
    • Screenshots
      • Do we need a recommended image size / resolution?
      • Point to guide on how to write good alt text
    • ...

Anything else

David has been working on the Koha installation guide to make it easier to understand for first-time Koha installers. He also was looking at "linter for documentation text" called Vale and will show it in an upcoming meeting.

  • For next Koha Documentation meeting: do we know which pages are looked at especially often? Is there a kind of analytics (not for user info, just for how many people look at it)
  • ACTION David knows that Chris used to have something set up, he will ask him about it.


  • Find bugs to document
    • Bugzilla search for Keywords=Manual, Component=Documentation
    • Bugs marked with Needs documenting status
  • How to edit the Manual

Next meetings