User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Development/Tools and operations
Run automated tests
One or just a few
prove t/db_dependent/Search.t
prove t/db_dependent/Search.t t/db_dependent/selenium/administration_tasks.t
# Cypress tests
cypress run --config video=false --spec t/cypress/integration/ERM/Dialog_spec.ts
cypress run --config video=false --spec "t/cypress/integration/ERM/Dialog_spec.ts,t/cypress/integration/ERM/Agreements_spec.ts"
All tests or all Cypress or all Selenium tests
Lighter restart in KTD (koha-testing-docker)
koha-plack --restart kohadev
Interactive Perl shell - REPL (Read–Eval–Print Loop) with Devel::REPL
Install and run
sudo apt install libdevel-repl-perl
Usage examples
Connect to the database
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:;host=db;port=3306', 'koha_kohadev', 'password');
Test number formatting
use Number::Format;
my $format = new Number::Format(-decimal_point => '.');
# $Number_Format1 = Number::Format=HASH(0x39cbf00);
# 12345.89
# Caveat: don't use print if you want to see the value, otherwise you will get some kind of return value of print
$ print $format->unformat_number("12345,89");
# 1
Trigger the installer
echo "DROP DATABASE koha_kohadev; CREATE DATABASE koha_kohadev;" | koha-mysql kohadev ; restart_all
Install translations
update dababase
Use yarn in KTD
# example with yarn install
sudo yarn install --modules-folder /kohadevbox/node_modules
Loop to create a lot of data in Perl
perl -MKoha::Database -e '
my $schema = Koha::Database->schema;
my $period = $schema->resultset("Aqbudgetperiod")->create({
budget_period_startdate => "2000-01-01",
budget_period_enddate => "2999-12-31"
budget_owner_id => 1,
budget_period_id => $period->id
}) for (1..1000)
Restore backup in KTD (koha-testing-docker)
It's not clean, there are errors when running koha-remove so it's an incomplete removal. That's the best I've found for now.
docker exec -it koha-koha-1 bash
service koha-common stop
service apache2 stop
koha-remove kohadev
cd koha
koha-restore kohadev-2024-03-19.sql.gz kohadev-2024-03-19.tar.gz
Reset DB with dump
If you don't have a devbox. Using BibLibre's tools (
# memcached is flushed because if you switched to another version of the code, the old version will be in cache and the updatedatabase won't run
echo "flush_all" | nc -q 2 localhost 11211 && \
~/tools/sysop/ --confirm --dump ~/dumps/koha-sample.sql.gz && \
~/src/installer/data/mysql/ && \
~/tools/zebra/ -b -a
Use Elasticsearch
Switch the SearchEngine syspref
Index data
misc/search_tools/ -v -d
Maybe also
# as root
koha-elasticsearch -v -p 5 --commit 1000 --rebuild kohadev
Test SIP with emulator
Run an old Koha
# Can go at least to 19.11
sudo apt install libyaml-syck-perl libtext-unaccent-perl libemail-valid-perl libcatmandu-marc-perl libcatmandu-store-elasticsearch-perl libextutils-pkgconfig-perl libwww-curl-perl libcurl4-gnutls-dev
sudo cpanm Search::Elasticsearch::Client::5_0::Direct
# you might need
sudo cpanm -i JSON::Validator::OpenAPI --force
# TODO try
sudo cpanm -i JSON::Validator
# you might need
sudo apt install libdbd-mock-perl
If the container has a too old Debian
# Somehow it needs elasticsearch, here opensearch works fine
KOHA_IMAGE=22.05-stretch bin/ktd --os1 up
# It works with the master branch of KTD repo. After trying,
# older branches don't help to simplify the operation.
# and **while** it's starting go into the container and edit the repositories
vim /etc/apt/sources.list
# replace "httpredir" with "archive" and remove the 2nd line.
# In the end the content should be
deb stretch main
# otherwise it will 404 when trying to install the cpanoutdated package and crash
Apply large patches without adding a git remote
wget -q -O- | git am -3 -
Generate test data
Many patrons
SELECT surname, firstname, branchcode, categorycode
SELECT surname
FROM borrowers
ORDER BY rand()
) a,
SELECT firstname
FROM borrowers
ORDER BY rand() ) b,
SELECT branchcode
FROM borrowers
ORDER BY rand() ) c,
SELECT categorycode
FROM borrowers
ORDER BY rand() ) d
LIMIT 50000
Many holds
Thanks Joubu :)
use C4::Reserves;
use Koha::Patrons;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv({branchcode => 'CPL'});
my $items = Koha::Items->search;
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find(5);
my $i;
while(my $item = $items->next){
say $i++;
next unless $item->barcode;
my $reservation_date = dt_from_string->subtract(days => rand(45));
my $expiration_date = dt_from_string->add(days => rand(45));
C4::Reserves::AddReserve({ branchcode => $patron->branchcode, borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $item->biblionumber, reservation_date => $reservation_date, expiration_date => $expiration_date, itemnumber => $item->itemnumber });
last if $i > 50;
Thanks Kidclamp :)
#! /usr/bin/perl
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Holds;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::DateUtils qw(dt_from_string);
my $libraries = Koha::Libraries->search();
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new();
while( my $library = $libraries->next) {
my $several = int( rand(10) )+10;
for( my $i = 0; $i < $several; $i++ ){
my $holder = Koha::Patrons->search({},{'order_by'=>\"rand()"})->next;
my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->search({},{'order_by'=>\"rand()"})->next;
next unless $biblio;
my $item = $biblio->items->search({},{ order_by => \["rand()"] })->next;
# Below is to set a 50/50 chance of creating an item level versus next available hold
my $itemnumber = $item && int( rand(2) ) ? $item->itemnumber : undef;
my $hold = $builder->build_object({
class => "Koha::Holds",
value => {
borrowernumber => $holder->borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber,
reservedate => dt_from_string(),
branchcode => $library->branchcode,
desk_id => undef,
cancellationdate => undef,
cancellation_reason => undef,
priority => $biblio->holds->count()+1,
found => undef,
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
waitingdate => undef,
expirationdate => undef,
suspend => 0,
item_level_hold => $itemnumber ? 1 : 0,
itemtype => undef,
patron_expiration_date => undef,
Send emails
Setup email using your own SMTP server.
edit koha-conf.xml to add the following inside the <config> section
A set KohaAdminEmailAddress to your address.
Test the REST API
url: '/api/v1/biblios/55/items/117',
method: 'PUT',
data: JSON.stringify({
"collection_code": "COLLECTION1",
"external_id": "123test",
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function(result) {
Switch Starman to deployment/production environment
To see the production error pages for example.
sudo vim /usr/sbin/koha-plack
See this section
if [ "$DEV_INSTALL" = "1" ]; then
# Maybe we should switch off debug_mode if DEV_INSTALL is not set?
Replace "development" by "deployment"