User:Victor Grousset - tuxayo/Community work/Reports/2024-04

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  • An attempt results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue. Or questions to clarify something in the code.
  • Partial QA is a way to contribute to a ticket that I can't QA alone but for which I can confidently review only part of the code or aren't sure enough about understanding the functional need and change.

Continue to explain the remaining community workflow issue: Bug 36111 - 856$h should not appear as a link in detailed record

Hackfest: Very minimal input on "Next steps for Vue!"

Hackfest: Input on "Stricter naming in schema + code" and try to summarize which changes should be acceptable

The opposition on renaming tables and columns made us forgot about the rest that can be done in all the code. Which looked doable. So I went asking most people that were at the discussion in the next days to reconstitute the rest of the picture besides table renaming. Plus get additional thoughts to complete the only brief moments these other subtopics were able to be discussed.

Hackfest: Input on "Using content delivery networks"

Hackfest: Provide guidance to someone trying to implement record locking to avoid conflicting edits

On community workflow and ideas for the problem in itself. Bug 23705 - Add a syspref to enable record locking, so that when one record is opened to be edited, it's read only for other users

Hackfest: Input on "Rethink user permissions"

Hackfest: Input on "Rethink system preferences"

Hackfest: Input on "Official plugin store for Koha"

Hackfest: Got shown a PoC for hot reload so I can try it when applying patches

Help giving feedback about how to handle total count in paginated patron checkout list

Oral, I think related to Bug 22613 - Add /patrons/patron_id/checkouts endpoints

Hackfest: Provide guidance to someone trying to solve Bug 36577 - (bug 34478 follow-up) not working

Assess missed edge case + give feedback on default values Bug 30897 - Gracefully reload Koha after plugin install/upgrade

Hackfest: Input on: process for emergency releases discussion

Hackfest: Input on: general community process issues discussion

Time not counted as QA when having nothing to contribute to a discussion, so most Hackfest items aren't as much time as they look.

Tested POC, found issue and tried to see how another issue could be solved: Bug 32722 - Mandatory subfields from UNIMARC framework shouldn't block the creation of a bib record when field itself is optional

Confirm and elaborate on issues raised by someone: Bug 25408 - CanBookBeReserved & CanItemBeReserved should check "opacitemholds" policy

Version 2 of: Bug 36118 - ILL request log does not display patron information

Patches were redone significantly.

Note for the people funding my work and the rest of the community for transparency purposes: QA of an enhancement from PTFS Europe. For QA of enhancements I'm asked to ideally focus on one monthly.

Found issue: Bug 34423 - (proof-of-concept) Bugzilla could look better with a new skin

Maybe found another issue in usage of bugzilla/application of community workflow: Bug 36111 - 856$h should not appear as a link in detailed record

Fix release notes after default value change: Bug 30897 - Gracefully reload Koha after plugin install/upgrade

Review current proposal and it's limitations and call for help to confirm difference between MARC21 and UNIMARC for this case: Bug 32722 - Mandatory subfields from UNIMARC framework shouldn't block the creation of a bib record when field itself is optional

Give guidance about community process to help unblocking Bug 31579 - Improve reserve/ to avoid mistakes with pick up locations

Try to pinpoint the core issue so the less bug prone approach can be found Bug 30888 - Add a table for deletedauthorities

Partial: Bug 25408 - CanBookBeReserved & CanItemBeReserved should check "opacitemholds" policy

Quite a tough one to try fully review, thanks to another partial review, we were able to pass QA.

Found issues: Bug 35659 - OAI Harvester

Note for the people funding my work and the rest of the community for transparency purposes: QA of an enhancement from BibLibre. For QA of enhancements I'm asked to ideally focus on one monthly.

Bug 30324 - Parent and child itemtype checkout limits not enforced as expected

Found issue: Bug 35197 - Expose additional_field definitions through REST API

Note for the people funding my work and the rest of the community for transparency purposes: QA of an enhancement from PTFS Europe. For QA of enhancements I'm asked to ideally focus on one monthly. It's the 2nd and will be kept track of to rebalance next months.

Bug 31345 - Add ability to exit early if any plugin before_send_messages hook fails

Note for the people funding my work and the rest of the community for transparency purposes: QA of an enhancement from ByWater Solutions. For QA of enhancements I'm asked to ideally focus on one monthly.

Found issues: Bug 36388 - Mouse operation does not work in draggable fields in authority editor (with Firefox)

Signoffs (testing submitted patches so they can move on to be integrated)

Note: an attempt usually results in feedback provided on the bug. To ask if I correctly followed the test plan due to results that I couldn't interpret. Or if there is indeed an issue.

Retest to confirm it's been fixed in another ticket: Bug 35591 - overwrites data if controlnumber eq authid

Making the patch not needed.

Found issue: Bug 34423 - (proof-of-concept) Bugzilla could look better with a new skin

Signoff + add test plan to patch: Bug 30897 - Gracefully reload Koha after plugin install/upgrade

Bug 36552 - Update record 'date entered on file' when duplicating a record

Minor, not counted in billable time.

Quickly double checked that SIP emulator was still working to help David N. having issues testing a patch

New tickets opened

i.e. Found something wrong and documented how to reproduce it. Or suggest an enhancement (usually for dev tools)

Bug 36712 - Alert "Maximum checkouts calculated from the circulation rule" is wrong with child itemtypes