Serial Analytics

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Other pages in this series: Multipart Bibliographics | Sets with Volumes | Serial Analytics | Monograph Analytics

Before you start and Reference

This guide is for the UseControlNumber method, for an overview video please see the KohaCon video about analytics

Parent Record (Serial) Child Record (Article)
LDR    ////////s///////////////
001    u14841
003    0st
020    _a ISBN
022    _a ISSN
100    _a Author
245    _a Title
250    _a Edition
260    _a Place
       _b Publisher
       _c Year
952    _9 itemnumber 1
       _p Item Barcode 1
999    _c biblionumber
LDR    ////////a///////////////
001    a6745
003    0st
773 0# _0 biblionumber
       _9 itemnumber 1
       _a Author
       _b Edition
       _d Place, Publisher, Year
       _o Item Barcode 1
       _t Title
       _w (0st)u14841
       _x ISSN
       _z ISBN

An example linking in all it's magical glory

MARC21 Rules

You catalogue serials (magazines, journals, etc) and also some select articles contained within them. You wish for borrowers to be able to navigate from the serial record down to the article records within, and back again.

To achieve this, the following MARC21 rules have been outlined by the LOC.

Parent Record Child Record
LDR    ///////s////////////////
001    u14841
003    0st
245    _a Title of Parent 
774 0# _t Title of Child
       _w (0st)a6745    

LDR    ///////a////////////////
001    a6745
003    0st
245    _a Title of Child
773 0# _0 10736
       _9 11345
       _t Title of Parent
       _w (0st)u14841

For Parents Record (Serial)

You must define the record type in the Leader as follows:

LDR - Leader

For a 'Serial Issue', the Bibliographic level bit (position 7) should be set as follows for Parent to Child links to display;

  • s = 'Serial'

001 - Control Number

When combined with Control Number Identifier must be unique.

003 - Control Number Identifier

Used to identify the institution the record was catalogued in. In a union catalogue, this is used in combination with Control Number to make a unique identifier for the record.

774 - Constituent Unit Entry

It is no longer recommended to create these as it can lead to unmanageably large MARC records for the parent serials.

For Child Records (Articles)

You must define the record type in the Leader and you must define a 773 field as described below for linked to work:

Note: If UseControlNumber is enabled and EasyAnalytics is disabled, then these records can be added from the parent New menu using New child record

LDR - Leader

For an 'Analytic record', the Bibliographic level bit (position 7) should be set as follows for Parent to Child links to display;

  • a = 'Monographic component part'
  • b = 'Serial component part'

773 - Host Item Entry

For Child to Parent links to work as expected, the first indicator must be set to literal `0` and the `w` subfield must contain the control number of the parent record.

Optionally, you can also fill out the `t` and `g` subfields.

Koha Practical Requirements

Parent Record Child Record
LDR    ///////s////////////////
001    u14841
245    _a Title of Parent

LDR    ///////a////////////////
001    a6745
245    _a Title of Child
773 0# _0 10736
       _9 11345
       _t Title of Parent
       _w u14841

With UseControlNumber set to Use koha will use the host serial records 001 - Control Number to link article records back to their container serials.

Koha does NOT yet support the combined Control Number + Control Number Identifier to build links, and thus the 003 does not have to be populated, and the child 773_w subfield should contain ONLY the parent Control Number and not the combination

Koha will IGNORE any 774's set in the parent record, and so you should follow the guidance above and not populate them. Koha will however build a search based upon the parent control number to find linked articles from the parent to the children.

All other rules should be followed as described by the LOC above.

See also