Documentation meeting 28 August 2024

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Video conference meeting using Jitsi at

  • We are using an (open source) video conference platform for the discussion part of this meeting. You don't have to turn your camera on if you prefer not to be seen; but if you are able to use a mic it should make our conversations a lot easier!
  • To join the meeting, click on the meeting link. If you are on a desktop computer, it will open in a browser window; no need to install anything. To join on a mobile device, you will need to download the Jitsi Meet app (from Google Play; from Apple Store).
  • Browsers will ask for permission to use video and audio devices: check or review these settings if you have audio or video issues.

We will use an online collaboration pad to record the meeting minutes, including TODOs and ACTION information.



Add your name here if you are planning to attend:

  • David Nind, New Zealand
  • Marie-Luce Laflamme, inlibro Montréal, Canada
  • Aude Charillon, PTFS Europe, UK
  • Philip Orr, LMSCloud GmbH, Germany


Add your name here if you would like to attend but can't make it:

  • Heather Hernandez


What the team has been working on

Please add an update before the meeting about what you have worked on.

  • David Nind: Continuing to add release notes for 24.11 bugs, either when signing off or going through the list. Still some way to go... Apart from that, nothing much else.
  • Philip Orr: Merge requests, nothing much else. More accessibility testing on the manual.
  • Aude: Merge requests. Adding last system preferences from 23.05 and 23.11 to the manual.
  • Marie-Luce: Has been busy preparing translations workshop for KohaCon!
  • ...[Please add an update about you have been working on]....

Review of action points

  • See previous meeting.
  • MarcEdit section of the manual - move to a wiki page (bug 36990):
    • ACTION: Philip will ask on Mattermost if anyone (maybe koha-US) would like to do this. DONE
      • ACTION: Heather has volunteered for this; she will ask for help from a MarcEdit user at the Koha-US cataloguing group. DONE
      • ACTION: Heather also to check out moving the OCLC Connexion section from the manual to the wiki (and link to the wiki from the manual section). OCLC Connexion Client page on the Wiki updated. DONE
        • Merge for the manual still to be done.
  • ACTION: Aude to send reminders for the general documentation drop-in sessions for Mattermost and the mailing list. DONE
  • ACTION: David to check with Chris to see if we have Matomo (or something similar) already setup for page analytics. This is so we can get an idea about which pages are used, and how often. Update: No page analytics are installed. DONE - see below:
    • ACTION: David is waiting to hear from Liz if access to the web logs is possible. Will consider proposing setting up or Update: Posted on Koha Community Chat to get ideas.
  • Ongoing projects - see section below
  • Documentation workflow - see section below
  • Content development guide - see section below

Ongoing projects

Automated screenshots (Jonathan, Caroline, Aude) - Bug 34076

  • If we need more logins for the screenshot page, contact Joubu.
  • See the Guidelines document on the Google Drive for instructions.
  • Summary of actions:
    • ACTION: Aude make sure the instructions are up to date! DONE
    • ACTION: Aude to post about automated screenshots to the mailing list and Mattermost. ONGOING
    • ACTION: Aude to update the bug on Bugzilla with information about progress and what needs doing. ONGOING

Re-organising the manual (David Nind) - Bug 32391 - Preview

  • ACTION: David to fix a navigation issue for the Using Koha section (currently, the expanded navigation disappears if you are in any of the using Koha sections/chapters). Update: still working on this 8-(.
  • AGREED: We will start with alphabetical organisation of the navigation links, and later on maybe look at grouping by logical topics.
    • ACTION: David to find out if Sphinx has a function to "sort dynamically" for alphabetical sorting in every language, instead of static sorting the way it is now. (As Manu pointed out, an alphabetical order will only work for the English version, as soon as it is translated it will no longer be alphabetical.) Update: Still under action.

Accessibility issues in the Manual (Philip and team) - Wiki page

  • ACTION: Philip to create GitLab issues for each of the points raised in the audit. ONGOING
  • Next priority - fixing the search box:
    • ACTION: No option in the theme settings to add a button to the search box, so would require custom CSS. UPDATE: See GitLab issue #45.
  • ACTION: David to look at controlling the focus order on manual pages (e.g. skip links for the left side menu - can we override sphinx’s html builder?)

Documentation workflow: issues and ideas

Any issues or ideas for the general Documentation workflow.

  • ...

Content Development Guide

Ongoing work to create a content development guide.

  • ACTION: David to take the rules from the documentation style guide and put in the content development page instead. Also to deprecate the style guide page so we don't get confused! DONE (obsolete template used and link to CDG).
  • ACTION: David to research options (possibly instead of using single quotes) if a button text contains an apostrophe. Update: Still under action.
    • ACTION: If anyone finds an example where the apostrophe becomes a problem, please add it to the content development guidelines page!
  • ACTION: David to demonstrate Vale at an upcoming meeting. This is a way to check the manual to identify content that doesn't comply with our content development guide rules (link a code linter, but for documentation rules). Update: Still under action.
  • ACTION: Philip to add a note about how to document permissions to the content development guide (see the work Caroline did with libraries and patron permissions). Update: Still under action.
  • Anything recently added to the page that people want to review or discuss?
    • ...
  • Questions to cover (please add yours!)
    • Use cases: how can we include more of these to better show how Koha features are used together? (postponed from a previous meeting.)
      • For use cases specific to one feature: insert as another section - see SIP2SortBinMapping:
      • For workflows that encompass several features, we could have a specific "How-to" / Tutorial section? As a step-by-step guide ("1. do this; 2. do that") which points to existing sections of the manual and re-uses existing screenshot. Will need to be mindful not to re-create the FAQs and the reasons why we thought they were not relevant anymore (make sure we date / version the workflows and review them).
        • another example: when a library has to close unexpectedly, what do they have to do?
          • things like: calendar update, postponing issues and holds, adding a message to the opac… etc.
        • each “How-to” should be in their own page
        • We should also add links to the “monday minutes”, "every other… " videos etc.
      • We will talk more at upcoming meetings about trying out some actual examples
    • We should add a general “Community resources” page to the manual containing links to Bywater Monday Minutes, “Every other…”, french resources… etc.
    • Screenshots (postponed from a previous meeting)
      • Do we need a recommended image size and resolution?
        • We should talk about this again at the next meeting: which browser? at which monitor resolution? What text size in Firefox (100%?)
        • Recommended tools: Greenshot, Flameshot (for Linux and Windows)
        • ACTION for everybody: think about it until an upcoming meeting :) - POSTPONED to next meeting
      • Point to guide on how to write good alt text:
        • W3C Images Tutorial:
          • Good general tutorial about adding alt text for different types of images.
          • Many screenshots are described by the surrounding text, so could be categorised as "Decorative Images".
          • ACTION David: For screenshots, I will ask for some advice in the WriteTheDocs Slack accessibility channel. DONE
        • WebAIM article about alternative text
        • Guide aimed at social media (will find the link - it is really good)
      • ACTION for Philip and anyone who is interested: check out the W3C Images Tutorial
    • Decision on documenting convention: how do we refer to buttons, what do we call the "Koha side menu", "Koha top search bar"... etc. POSTPONED to next meeting
    • ...

Anything else


  • Find bugs to document
    • Bugzilla search for Keywords=Manual, Component=Documentation
    • Bugs marked with Needs documenting status
  • How to edit the Manual

Next meetings