SQL Reports Accounting
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Reports about anything to do with accounting, including fines, fees, credits etc.
The following SQL statements have been written by Koha users world-wide. Keep in mind that not all reports have been tested and should be read thoroughly before applying them to your own system.
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Fines with Patron & Item Info
- Developer: Kyle M Hall
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: List of unpaid fines with patron and item information
- Status: Complete - Updated 6/4/19
b.surname, b.firstname, b.email, bib.title, i.barcode,
a.amountoutstanding, ni.issuedate, ni.date_due,
IF ( ni.returndate IS NULL , " ", ni.returndate ) AS returndate
FROM accountlines a
LEFT JOIN borrowers b ON ( b.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber )
LEFT JOIN items i ON ( a.itemnumber = i.itemnumber )
LEFT JOIN biblio bib ON ( i.biblionumber = bib.biblionumber )
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM issues UNION SELECT * FROM old_issues ) ni ON ( ni.itemnumber = i.itemnumber AND ni.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber )
a.amountoutstanding > 0
GROUP BY a.accountlines_id
ORDER BY b.surname, b.firstname, ni.timestamp DESC
List patrons detailed information of fine ( including title info for each item )
- Developer: Pankaj Kumar Sharma
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Useful for library professionals who want to fetch fine against each line item in detail.
- Status: Completed
- Works/Tested with: Koha Version-, MySQL Version-14.14
SELECT FORMAT(accountlines.amountoutstanding,2) as fine, borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname, borrowers.cardnumber,
issues.date_due, (TO_DAYS( date_due)-TO_DAYS(curdate())) AS 'days overdue', items.itype, items.itemcallnumber, items.barcode,
items.homebranch, biblio.title, biblio.author
borrowers left JOIN accountlines ON (borrowers.borrowernumber=accountlines.borrowernumber)
JOIN issues ON (borrowers.borrowernumber=issues.borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN items ON (issues.itemnumber=items.itemnumber) LEFT JOIN biblio ON (items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
(TO_DAYS( date_due)-TO_DAYS(curdate())) <=0
order by borrowers.borrowernumber
Patrons with Fines
- Developer: Katrin Fischer
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: List patrons with their fine amounts
- Status: Complete
(SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',b.borrowernumber,'\">', b.surname,', ', b.firstname,'</a>')
FROM borrowers b WHERE b.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber) AS Patron,
format(sum(amountoutstanding),2) AS 'Outstanding',
(SELECT count(i.itemnumber) FROM issues i WHERE b.borrowernumber = i.borrowernumber) AS 'Checkouts'
accountlines a, borrowers b
(SELECT sum(amountoutstanding) FROM accountlines a2 WHERE a2.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber) > '0.00'
AND a.borrowernumber = b.borrowernumber
a.borrowernumber ORDER BY b.surname, b.firstname, Outstanding ASC
Patrons with Fines at Branch
- Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: List patrons with their fine amounts limited by branch
- Status: Complete
select p.surname, p.firstname, p.borrowernumber, p.cardnumber,
format(sum(a.amountoutstanding),2) as owes
from borrowers p
left join accountlines a using (borrowernumber)
where a.amountoutstanding > 0 and p.branchcode=<<Branch|branches>>
group by a.borrowernumber
Patrons with More Than an Amount in Fines
- Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: List patrons with who owe greater than or equal to an amount entered when the report is run.
- Status: Complete
SELECT p.cardnumber, p.surname, p.firstname, p.address, p.address2, p.city, p.state, p.phone, p.branchcode as 'patron branch',
p.debarred , p.debarredcomment, p.dateexpiry, format(sum(a.amountoutstanding),2) as 'amount owed'
FROM borrowers p
left join accountlines a using (borrowernumber)
GROUP BY a.borrowernumber
HAVING sum(a.amountoutstanding) >= <<Owe more than>>
ORDER BY p.surname, p.firstname
Patrons with credits
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose:
- Status: Complete
SELECT borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname, borrowers.cardnumber, address, city, zipcode, round(Sum(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS 'total owed'
FROM accountlines LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) WHERE amountoutstanding != 0
GROUP BY accountlines.borrowernumber having sum(accountlines.amountoutstanding) < 0
ORDER BY borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname
Collections Report for Unique Management
- Developer: A team effort: Thatcher Rea - ByWater Solutions, Nicole Engard - ByWater Solutions, Katrin Fischer - BSZ, Liz Rea - NEKLS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Outputs patrons with fines in certain categories, with more than $X in fines, and no fine payments in the last 60 days.
- Status: Completed
- Note: Updated by Jared Camins-Esakov, C & P Bibliography Services on 16 May 2012. If you were using a previous version of this report, please update the report and contact Unique immediately to tell them to disregard previous reports. The logic was reversed.
- Note: This report, with the NOT IN line, eliminates any patron who has *ever* paid on their account - it is too broad and we've removed it from our reports we use at NEKLS now (see the next report for an updated specific version).
SELECT borrowers.cardnumber, borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname,
borrowers.address, borrowers.city, borrowers.zipcode, borrowers.email, borrowers.phone,
borrowers.dateofbirth, borrowers.debarred, FORMAT(SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS Due
FROM borrowers, accountlines
WHERE borrowers.categorycode IN ('BONN-CITY', 'OTT-CITY')
AND borrowers.borrowernumber
NOT IN (SELECT distinct borrowernumber FROM accountlines WHERE accountlines.date < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 60 DAY) AND (accountlines.accounttype IN ('PAY', 'C') ) )
AND borrowers.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber
GROUP BY borrowers.borrowernumber
HAVING SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding) >= 25.00
ORDER BY borrowers.surname ASC;
- Developer: A team effort: Thatcher Rea - ByWater Solutions, Nicole Engard - ByWater Solutions, Katrin Fischer - BSZ, Liz Rea - NEKLS and Robin Hastings - NEKLS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Produces report of patrons in particular branch codes with more than $25 in fines that were incurred more than 60 but less than 365 days ago
- Status: Completed
- Note: New Delinquent Report - first report sent to Unique, sent weekly after that
- Note: Changed WHERE clause: borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' => ( borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' OR borrower.sort1 IS NULL ) -- Barton Chittenden - Bywater
SELECT borrowers.cardnumber,
borrowers.phonepro AS "Alt Ph 1",
borrowers.B_phone AS "Alt Ph 2",
categories.category_type AS "Adult or Child",
borrowers.dateofbirth, MAX(accountlines.date) AS "Most recent charge",
FORMAT(SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS Due
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING(borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN categories USING(categorycode)
( borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' OR borrower.sort1 IS NULL ) AND
accountlines.date > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 year) AND
accountlines.date < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 60 day)
GROUP BY borrowers.borrowernumber
HAVING Due >=25.00
ORDER BY borrowers.surname ASC
- Developer: A team effort: Thatcher Rea - ByWater Solutions, Nicole Engard - ByWater Solutions, Katrin Fischer - BSZ, Liz Rea - NEKLS and Robin Hastings - NEKLS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Produces report of patrons in particular branch codes with their sort1 field set to "yes" and fines of more than $25.
- Status: Completed
- Note: Update report - weekly report sent to Unique
SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber, borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname, FORMAT(SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS Due
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING(borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN categories USING(categorycode)
AND borrowers.sort1 = 'yes'
GROUP BY borrowers.borrowernumber
ORDER BY borrowers.surname ASC
- Developer: A team effort: Thatcher Rea - ByWater Solutions, Nicole Engard - ByWater Solutions, Katrin Fischer - BSZ, Liz Rea - NEKLS and Robin Hastings - NEKLS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Produces report of patrons in particular branch codes with more than $25 in fines that were incurred more than 60 but less than 365 days ago
- Status: Completed
- Note: New Delinquent Report Linked - used to easily add the $10 fee and set the sort1 field to "yes" for new delinquent accounts
- Note: Changed WHERE clause: borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' => ( borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' OR borrower.sort1 IS NULL ) -- Barton Chittenden - Bywater
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/maninvoice.pl?borrowernumber=', borrowers.borrowernumber, '\" target="_blank">', borrowers.cardnumber, '</a>') AS "Link to Fines",
borrowers.phonepro AS "Alt Ph 1",
borrowers.B_phone AS "Alt Ph 2",
categories.category_type AS "Adult or Child",
MAX(accountlines.date) AS "Most recent charge",
FORMAT(SUM(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) AS Due
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING(borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN categories USING(categorycode)
( borrowers.sort1 != 'yes' OR borrowers.sort1 IS NULL ) AND
accountlines.date > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 year) AND
accountlines.date < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 60 day)
GROUP BY borrowers.borrowernumber
HAVING Due >=25.00
ORDER BY borrowers.surname ASC
No checkouts since accruing a fine
- Developer: Ian Bays (PTFS Europe) on behalf of BASE Library
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: This report can help to show what effect fines have and whether readers return after accruing.
- Status: One Example
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',borrowers.borrowernumber,'\" target="_blank">', borrowers.borrowernumber, '</a>') AS borrowernumber,
FROM issues
WHERE borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
'latest issue',
FROM old_issues
WHERE borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
'latest old iss',
FROM accountlines
WHERE (accounttype = 'F'
OR accounttype = 'FU'
OR accounttype = 'O')
AND borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
'latest fine'
FROM borrowers
FROM issues
WHERE borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
FROM accountlines
WHERE (accounttype = 'F'
OR accounttype = 'FU'
OR accounttype = 'O')
AND borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
FROM old_issues
WHERE borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
FROM accountlines
WHERE (accounttype = 'F'
OR accounttype = 'FU'
OR accounttype = 'O')
AND borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber)
Incremental Fines with Patron & Item Info
- Developer: Ramprasad Joshi
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: List of unpaid fines with patron and item information, with an incremental charge: $1 per day the first fortnight overdue, $2 for the next, $5 daily after that; it can be tailored by patron category.
- Status: One Example
(TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due)) AS daysoverdue,
items.barcode AS 'Accession Number',
IF((TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due))<=15,(TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due)),
IF((TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due))<=30,2*(TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due))-15,5*(TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS( date_due))-105))
AS fine
FROM borrowers
LEFT JOIN issues ON (borrowers.borrowernumber=issues.borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN items ON (issues.itemnumber=items.itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
WHERE (borrowers.categorycode=<<Patron Category|categorycode>>) AND (TO_DAYS(curdate())-TO_DAYS(date_due)) > '0'
ORDER BY borrowers.cardnumber ASC
Items Lost and Paid For by Home Branch with Payment Info
- Developer: Myka Kennedy Stephens, Fosgail LLC
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: List of items lost and paid for. Input date range for charges and the home branch. Report includes item number, barcode, title, home branch, call number, date of the lost item charge, amount of lost item charge, branch where lost item charge originated, borrower number, and link to transaction details.
- Status: Complete
- Version: 24.05
SELECT a.itemnumber,
a.date AS "date charged",
a.branchcode AS "charging branch",
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/accountline-details.pl?accountlines_id=',accountlines_id,'\" target="_blank">', accountlines_id, '</a>') AS transaction
FROM accountlines a
LEFT JOIN items i ON (a.itemnumber = i.itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
WHERE a.debit_type_code='LOST' AND
i.itemlost = 3 AND
a.date BETWEEN <<Items lost between|date>> AND <<and|date>> AND
i.homebranch=<<Select owning library branch|branches>>
Items Lost and Paid For by Charging Branch with Payment Info
- Developer: Myka Kennedy Stephens, Fosgail LLC
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: List of items lost and paid for. Input date range for charges and the charging branch. Report includes item number, barcode, title, home branch, call number, date of the lost item charge, amount of lost item charge, branch where lost item charge originated, borrower number, and link to transaction details.
- Status: Complete
- Version: 24.05
SELECT a.itemnumber,
a.date AS "date charged",
a.branchcode AS "charging branch",
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/accountline-details.pl?accountlines_id=',accountlines_id,'\" target="_blank">', accountlines_id, '</a>') AS transaction
FROM accountlines a
LEFT JOIN items i ON (a.itemnumber = i.itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
WHERE a.debit_type_code='LOST' AND
i.itemlost = 3 AND
a.date BETWEEN <<Items lost between|date>> AND <<and|date>> AND
a.branchcode=<<Select charging library branch|branches>>
Total Forgiven Fines Today
- Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Total amount forgiven in fines today
- Status: Complete
SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM accountlines
WHERE DATE(timestamp)=CURDATE() AND (accounttype='FOR' OR accounttype='W')
Total Fines Paid (Date Range)
- Developer: Dr Vimal Kumar V., Mahatma Gandhi University Library
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Generate list of overdue paid in a period. Applicable to Koha version since 19.11.
- Status: Complete
SELECT b.cardnumber AS 'Card Number',b.surname AS 'Name',FORMAT(ABS(a.amount), 2) AS 'Amount'
FROM borrowers b
JOIN accountlines a
WHERE b.borrowernumber = a.borrowernumber AND a.credit_type_code = 'payment' AND a.date
BETWEEN <<Between (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>> AND <<and (YYYY-MM-DD |date>>
AND b.branchcode=<<Enter patrons library|branches>> AND categorycode LIKE <<Enter Category borrowers|categorycode>>
Total Fines Paid Today
- Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Total amount paid in fines today
- Status: Complete
SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM accountlines
WHERE DATE(timestamp)=CURDATE() AND (accounttype='PAY' OR accounttype='C')
Yesterday's Fines by branch
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Fines charged yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
- Status: Complete
round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Fines Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber)
WHERE (accounttype = 'F' or accounttype = 'FU' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'
Yesterday's Fines
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Fines charged yesterday (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Fines Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'F' or accounttype = 'FU' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)
Yesterday's Lost Item Charges by branch
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: lost items charged yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
- Status: Complete
round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber)
WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'
Yesterday's Lost Item Charges
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: lost items charged yesterday (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)
Yesterday's Account Management Fees by branch
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: acct mgt charged yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
- Status: Complete
round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber)
WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'
Yesterday's Account Management Fees
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: acct mgt fees charged yesterday (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)
Yesterday's Forgiven Charges by branch
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: forgiven charges yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
- Status: Complete
round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber)
WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'
Yesterday's Forgiven Charges (entire system)
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: forgiven charges yesterday (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Lost Items Charged Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'L' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)
Yesterday's Sundry Fees by branch
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: sundry fees yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
- Status: Complete
round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Sundry Fees Yesterday'
FROM accountlines LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber)
WHERE (accounttype = 'M') and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'
Yesterday's Sundry Fees (entire system)
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: sundry fees charged yesterday (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Sundry Fees Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'M') and date = (now() - interval 1 day)
Yesterday's Credits by branch
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: credits yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
- Status: Complete
round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Credits Yesterday'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber)
WHERE (accounttype = 'C') and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'
Yesterday's Credits (entire system)
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: credits yesterday (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Credits Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'C') and date = (now() - interval 1 day)
Yesterday's New Card Fees by branch
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: new card fees yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
- Status: Complete
round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'New Card Fees Yesterday'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber)
WHERE (accounttype = 'N') and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'
Yesterday's New Card Fees (entire system)
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: new card fees yesterday (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'New Card Fees Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'N') and date = (now() - interval 1 day)
Yesterday's Payments by branch
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: payments yesterday for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
- Status: Complete
round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Payments Yesterday'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber)
WHERE (accounttype = 'PAY') and date = (now() - interval 1 day) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'
Yesterday's Payments (entire system)
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: payments yesterday (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Payments Yesterday'
FROM accountlines WHERE (accounttype = 'PAY') and date = (now() - interval 1 day)
Year to Date Fines by branch
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: year to date fines charged for a particular branch (edit branchcode as needed)
- Status: Complete
round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Fines Charged YTD'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (accountlines.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber)
WHERE (accounttype = 'F' or accounttype = 'FU' ) and YEAR(date) = YEAR(NOW()) and borrowers.branchcode = 'LIB'
Year to Date Fines (entire system)
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: year to date fines charged (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Fines Charged YTD'
FROM accountlines
WHERE (accounttype = 'F' or accounttype = 'FU' ) and YEAR(date) = YEAR(NOW())
Total Fines Owed
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: total amount of fines owed (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT FORMAT(Sum(accountlines.amountoutstanding),2) FROM accountlines
Writeoff fine (Date Range wise)
- Developer: Nikunj Tyagi, DPL
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: writeoff Amount (Date range wise) with patron details (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber,
FROM accountlines, borrowers
WHERE borrowers.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber AND
accounttype = 'W'
AND date BETWEEN <<Between (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>> AND <<and (YYYY-MM-DD>>
Write-off Fines in Date Range (with Circulation Note, Payment Notes, Timestamps, and Manager Name)
- Developer: Alex Chen, Butte County Library
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Provide a list of write-off fines in a date range with Circulation Note, Timestamps, Payment Notes, and staff who performed the actions for Accounting and Auditing purposes.
- Status: Complete
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/circ/circulation.pl?borrowernumber=', patrons.borrowernumber, '\" target=/"_blank\">', patrons.cardnumber, '</a>' ) AS 'Card Number',
CONCAT(patrons.firstname, ' ', patrons.surname) AS 'Patron Name',
patrons.borrowernotes AS 'Circulation Note',
patrons.opacnote AS 'OPAC Note',
patrons.categorycode AS 'Patron Category',
accountlines.amount AS 'Amount',
accountlines.timestamp AS 'Transaction Timestamp',
accountlines.description AS 'Description',
accountlines.note AS 'Payment Notes',
CONCAT(managers.firstname, ' ', managers.surname) AS 'Manager Name'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers patrons ON (accountlines.borrowernumber = patrons.borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN borrowers managers ON (accountlines.manager_id = managers.borrowernumber)
(accountlines.date BETWEEN <<Fine Waived Between |date>> AND <<and |date>>)
AND accountlines.accounttype = 'W'
AND patrons.categorycode = <<Patron Category |categorycode>>
Write-off Fines in a Date Range by Branch
- Developer: Myka Kennedy Stephens, Fosgail LLC
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Enter a date range and select library branch to return a list of fines written off during that date range. Returns a list with linked borrower number, patron category, amount waived, timestamp for the transaction, note, and linked borrower number for staff member who waived the fine.
- Status: Complete
- Version: 24.05
SELECT p.borrowernumber,
CONCAT ('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=', a.manager_id, '\" target=/"_blank\">', a.manager_id, '</a>' ) AS 'Staff Member'
FROM accountlines a
LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON (a.borrowernumber = p.borrowernumber)
WHERE a.credit_type_code = 'WRITEOFF'
AND DATE(a.date) BETWEEN <<Fine waived between|date>> AND <<and|date>>
AND a.branchcode = <<at library|branches>>
Sum of Total Write-off Amount by Patron Category in a Date Range
- Developer: Alex Chen, Butte County Library
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Provide a sum of total write-off amount by patron categorycode in a date range
- Status: Complete
patrons.categorycode AS 'Patron Category',
SUM(ABS(accountlines.amount)) AS 'Total Write-Off Amount'
FROM accountlines
LEFT JOIN borrowers patrons ON (accountlines.borrowernumber = patrons.borrowernumber)
(accountlines.date BETWEEN <<Fine Waived Between |date>> AND <<and |date>>)
AND accountlines.accounttype = 'W'
GROUP BY patrons.categorycode
Payment (fine) detail (Date Range)
- Developer: Nikunj Tyagi, DPL
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Payment (Date range wise) with patron details (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber,
FROM accountlines, borrowers
WHERE borrowers.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber AND
accounttype = 'pay' AND
date BETWEEN <<Between (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>> AND <<and (YYYY-MM-DD>>
Yesterday's Amount Collected (entire system)
- Developer: Jane Wagner, PTFS
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: amount actually collected yesterday (entire system)
- Status: Complete
SELECT round(Sum(accountlines.amount),2) AS 'Paid Yesterday'
FROM accountlines
WHERE (accounttype = 'PAY' ) and date = (now() - interval 1 day)
Amount Collected in specific Date Range (entire system)
- Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Asks you to enter the date range for which you would like to see all of the money collected at all branches.
- Status: Complete
select FORMAT(abs(sum(amount)),2) as 'Total Collected'
from accountlines
where (accounttype='C' or accounttype='PAY') and
timestamp between <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
Accounting for date range
- Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: List of all accounting details in date range
- Status: Complete
CASE accounttype
WHEN 'A' THEN 'Account management fee'
WHEN 'C' THEN 'Credit'
WHEN 'F' THEN 'Overdue Fine'
WHEN 'FOR' THEN 'Forgiven'
WHEN 'FU' THEN 'Overdue Fine Still Accruing'
WHEN 'L' THEN 'Lost Item'
WHEN 'LR' THEN 'Lost and Returned'
WHEN 'M' THEN 'Sundry'
WHEN 'N' THEN 'New Card'
WHEN 'PAY' THEN 'Payment'
WHEN 'W' THEN 'Writeoff'
ELSE accounttype END
AS transaction, SUM(amount)
FROM accountlines
WHERE DATE(timestamp) between <<Collected between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
GROUP BY accounttype
Payments collected at a branch in a date range
- Developer: Nicole C. Baratta, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Fines collected at a branch in a date range (uses the logged in user's branch)
- Status: Complete
SELECT FORMAT(abs(sum(a.amount)),2) AS 'Total Collected'
FROM accountlines a
LEFT JOIN borrowers p on (a.manager_id=p.borrowernumber)
WHERE a.accounttype in ('C','PAY') AND
a.timestamp BETWEEN <<Between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and
Detailed Payment Report
- Developer: Myka Kennedy Stephens, Fosgail LLC (in collaboration with ByWater Solutions)
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Lists cash and credit card transactions. Report with totals per payment type and debit type limited by date range, library, and cash register.
- Notes: The lines with a blank debit type are the totals for each cash register.
- Status: Complete
- Version: 24.05
SELECT c.branchcode,
r.name AS 'register',
t.description AS 'debit_type',
c.payment_type AS 'credit_type',
FORMAT(ABS(SUM(o.amount)), 2) AS 'payment',
FROM accountlines c
LEFT JOIN account_offsets o ON (c.accountlines_id = o.credit_id)
LEFT JOIN accountlines d ON (o.debit_id = d.accountlines_id)
LEFT JOIN account_debit_types t ON (d.debit_type_code = t.code)
LEFT JOIN cash_registers r ON (c.register_id = r.id)
WHERE DATEDIFF(c.date, <<Payment date between|date>>) >= 0
AND DATEDIFF(<<and|date>>, c.date) >= 0
AND c.branchcode = <<Library|branches>>
AND c.register_id LIKE <<Cash register|cash_registers:all>>
AND c.credit_type_code IS NOT NULL
AND d.debit_type_code IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY c.payment_type, r.name, t.description WITH ROLLUP HAVING ISNULL(r.name) = 0
Amount due on lost items (deleted and current)
- Developer: Barton Chittenden, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Amount due on lost items (deleted and current)
- Status: Complete
FORMAT( SUM( amountoutstanding ), 2) as 'Amount Due'
items i
left join deleteditems di using ( itemnumber )
left join accountlines a on ( a.itemnumber = COALESCE (i.itemnumber, di.itemnumber) )
COALESCE ( i.itemlost, di.itemlost ) != 0
Forgiven fines for items checked in during a date range (Fines amnesty week check)
- Developer: Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Fines forgiven on books checked in during a date range
- Status: Complete
SELECT surname, firstname, cardnumber, description, amountoutstanding, itemcallnumber, holdingbranch,barcode, datetime AS CheckInDate, a.timestamp AS FineDate FROM statistics
LEFT JOIN accountlines a USING (borrowernumber,itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN items USING (itemnumber)
WHERE type='return' AND accounttype='FFOR' AND datetime BETWEEN <<Start date|date>> AND <<End date|date>>
Fines outstanding for items checked in during a date range (Fines amnesty week check)
- Developer: Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Fines outstanding on books checked in during a date range
- Status: Complete
SELECT surname, firstname, cardnumber, description, amountoutstanding, itemcallnumber, holdingbranch,barcode, datetime AS CheckInDate, a.timestamp AS FineDate FROM statistics
LEFT JOIN accountlines a USING (borrowernumber,itemnumber)
LEFT JOIN borrowers USING (borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN items USING (itemnumber)
WHERE type='return' AND amountoutstanding > 0 AND datetime BETWEEN <<Start date|date>> AND <<End date|date>>
All accounts offsets for a given borrrower
- Developer: Andrew Fuerste-Henry, ByWater Solutions
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Show history of credits and debits for a borrower using the account_offsets table added in 17.11
- Status: Complete
select o.id, o.credit_id, o.debit_id, o.type, o.amount, o.created_on, a.borrowernumber, a.description
from account_offsets o left join accountlines a on (o.debit_id=a.accountlines_id)
where a.borrowernumber=<<Borrower Number>>
order by o.created_on desc
PayPal payments collected in a date range
- Developer: Myka Kennedy Stephens, Lancaster Theological Seminary
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: For Koha libraries utilizing the PayPal integration; Displays fine/fee transactions for a date range with note = "PayPal"
- Status: Complete
'<a target="_blank" href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',
) AS Link,
borrowers.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber AND
accounttype = 'pay' AND
accountlines.note = 'PayPal' AND
date BETWEEN <<Between (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>> AND <<and (YYYY-MM-dd)|date>>
Duplicate Fines
- Developer: Ian Bays, PTFS Europe wrote this report for BASE Library
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Shows patrons that have been erroneously fined more than once on the same day for the same issue id
- Status: Complete
select concat(date,', ',issue_id) iss_dt,
(select branchcode from borrowers where borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber) branch,
CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/boraccount.pl?borrowernumber=',accountlines.borrowernumber,'\" target="_blank">', accountlines.borrowernumber, '</a>') AS borrowernumber, count(*) cnt,
group_concat(timestamp separator ', ') stamps from accountlines
where accounttype = 'F' and issue_id is not NULL group by iss_dt having cnt >1
order by branch, stamps DESC
PayPal Transactions Sorted by Branch
- Developer: Lisette Scheer, Latah County Library District/Valnet Consortium
- Module: Accounting
- Purpose: Shows paypal payments in the last month, sorted by owning library.
- Status: Complete
Format(ABS(credits.amount), 2) AS AMT_COLLECTED,
Format(ABS(account_offsets.amount), 2) AS FEE_AMOUNT,
Format((debits.amount + account_offsets.amount), 2) = 0,
"-", Format((debits.amount + account_offsets.amount), 2)
Format(debits.amountoutstanding, 2) AS FEE_STILL_OWED,
borrowerinfo.cardnumber AS FROM_PATRON,
credits.note AS PAYMENT_NOTES,
credits.date AS PAYMENT_DATE,
If(items.barcode IS NULL, "DELETED", Upper(items.barcode)) AS FOR_ITEM,
If(items.homebranch IS NOT NULL, items.homebranch, manualinvoiceinfo.branchcode) AS OWNED_BY,
debits.date AS FEE_DATE,
debits.description AS FEE_DESCRIPTION,
debits.note AS FEE_NOTE
accountlines credits
JOIN account_offsets ON account_offsets.credit_id = credits.accountlines_id
JOIN accountlines debits ON account_offsets.debit_id = debits.accountlines_id
LEFT JOIN old_issues ON debits.issue_id = old_issues.issue_id
LEFT JOIN items ON debits.itemnumber = items.itemnumber
JOIN borrowers borrowerinfo ON borrowerinfo.borrowernumber = credits.borrowernumber
LEFT JOIN borrowers manualinvoiceinfo ON manualinvoiceinfo.borrowernumber = debits.manager_id
Month(credits.date) = Month(Now() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND
Year(credits.date) = Year(Now() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND