Report to find bad smsalertnumbers in Sweden

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If you set up Koha to send text messages/SMS'es you need to fill the smsalertnumber for patrons that want to receive text messages. The SMS-drivers are quite particular about the format of the phone numbers in this field. The following report should pick out some of the numbers that are wrong:

SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/members/',borrowernumber,'&step=5\">', borrowernumber, '</a>') AS borrowernumber, firstname, surname, smsalertnumber 
FROM borrowers 
WHERE smsalertnumber !=  
  AND ( LENGTH (smsalertnumber) < 12 OR LEFT( smsalertnumber, 1 ) != '+' )

The borrowernumber will be a clickable link that takes you to the screen for editing the smsalertnumber.