Recall RFC
RFC: Recalls
Status: | unknown | |
Sponsored by: | possible library sponsor for manual recall step | |
Developed by: | ? | |
Expected for: | ? | |
Bug number: | Bug | |
Work in progress repository: | No URL given. | |
Description: | This is a proposal for recall functionality in Koha. We have one library with a specific use case for which a manual recall solution would be ideal. This could potentially be used as a basis on which to build automatic recalls. Both scenarios are detailed below. |
Step 1 - Manual Recalls
Manual recalls should allow staff to send recall notices for specific titles and items. An option to recall either an item or title should be available via a button in the staff interface.
Current Scenario at the library
Librarians need a more automated way to recall items on loan to researchers. Researchers borrow items for the length of their contract. If an item is reserved, the librarian contacts the researcher or their secretary to request the item back.
This involves running a report of reservations, identifying which item should be recalled next and manually sending an email to the researcher.
Some researchers will need the item and not want to return it, some shouldn’t be asked, some are contacted via the secretary and some will return the item.
Reserved items are viewed through a report. This identifies which items have been reserved, how many copies of the title exist and where they are.
Which item to recall is decided by the length of time it has been on loan for.
Some researchers will request the item be returned back to them once the loan is up. A reservation is placed back on the item for them.
1. Librarians want to retain ability to choose who an item is recalled from (manual recall)
2. Automation of stages of recall:
• Ability to exclude researchers who don’t want to be contacted
• Ability to identify contact info for researchers who are to be contacted through secretary/PA
• Automatic sending of recall email from koha – using manual recall button and based on appropriate contact info. Email should come from lending library.
3. Ability to leave notes in the “interface” (recall notes field) for others to see
4. Automatically identify which item has been on loan the longest and choose the next item which should be recalled automatically.
Suggested set up:
Manual recall functionality built into koha based on recall button. This button can appear at item and biblio level and will send automatic notice to current borrower of item.
• Preference options to exclude certain patrons from recalls.
• Preference options to choose certain contact information for sending the email.
• OR where multiple email addresses are available pop up message asks to confirm which to use.
Recall Button:
• Should appear at both item level and title level
• Clicking recall will automatically add ‘recalled’ status to item
• If clicking recall button at title level, user should be prompted/asked if they wish to recall all items for this title
Recall Notice:
• Should be customisable – Pop up with editable text box and option to select appropriate email address (from drop down box linked to borrowers table)
• Should appear in borrower sent notice logs
Automated Processes:
• Pressing recall button will set recall status on item/title. (new recalls db table)
• Pressing recall button will generate customisable email to current borrower
• Returning recall item will remove the recall status from the item (item details moves to old_recalls)
For sponsoring library:
Report to show items which have been reserved which could sit in circ reports as standard system report. Staff can run the report and if required make an item level recall directly from it. This could work either with a built in recall button in the report or more simply(?) by linking to the item and using a recall button there. The report will show an overview of all borrowers with requested items and staff can make a decision on which to recall. Link to item and then use button to automatically send email.
Library's current workflow
The library’s workflow is currently based on a report of reserved items and requires some staff intervention before the recall notice is sent.
Suggested New Workflow using Manual Recalls
Below is a proposed workflow using a manual recall feature.
Step 2: Automated Recalls
Reservation: title level
User places reservation on title. If all items are on loan, the reservation is placed. If item already has a recall status, then nothing more occurs. If there is not already a recall status, then the item is recalled and an email is sent. Once an item is returned, the recall status is checked again. If there are further reservations on the item, the recall status remains on the title/items. If not it is removed.
Reservation: item level
Item level reservations can be placed manually or if circ rules permit.
Auto-renewals active
Where auto-renewal is active the workflow should work in the same way as the title level reservations. Recalls will inform borrowers that the title will not renew at the next auto-renewal date.
On-shelf holds permitted
In order to exclude recalling items that are available. The recall status should not be applied to items where there are existing copies available on the shelves. Exception to this would be if being manually recalled by staff.
Item status exceptions
Option to exclude defined item statuses from being recalled? (possibly covered by identifying items as “available” for loan…
Patron category exceptions
It would be useful to have a system/circulation rule to permit exceptions for certain patron categories. Eg. Users with additional privileges/extended loans etc.
Database Table