Patrons endpoint RFC

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This RFC should be the basis for bug 19784 and related bug reports that could need to be filed.

Actions and routes

The following table presents the current implementation, and the proposed changes.

Description Action Current path Proposed path
List patrons
Add patron
Get a patron
Overwrite a patron
Delete a patron
Partially update a patron

Patron object definition

DB schema Current API tcohen Katrin
borrowernumber borrowernumber patron_id patron_id
cardnumber cardnumber
surname surname
firstname firstname
title title
othernames othernames other_name
initials initials
streetnumber streetnumber street_number street_number
streettype streettype street_type street_type
address address
address2 address2
city city
state state
zipcode zipcode zip zip_code If changed here, should be changed for B_zipcode and altcontactzipcode too.
country country
email email
phone phone
mobile mobile
fax fax
emailpro emailpro secondary_email or similar as there is nothing indicationg 'pro' or 'professional' in the GUI any longer.
phonepro phonepro secondary_phone
B_streetnumber B_streetnumber altaddress_streetnumber I think the same is true here, B has no meaning for us anymore. Should indicate somehow that this is 'alternate address' in the GUI.
B_streettype B_streettype altaddress_streettype
B_address B_address altaddress_address
B_address2 B_address2 altaddress_address2
B_city B_city altaddress_city
B_state B_state altaddress_state
B_zipcode B_zipcode altaddress_zip_code
B_country B_country altaddress_country
B_email B_email altaddress_email
B_phone B_phone altaddress_phone
dateofbirth dateofbirth date_of_birth
branchcode branchcode library_id library_id
categorycode categorycode category_id category_id
dateenrolled dateenrolled date_enrolled date_enrolled
dateexpiry dateexpiry expiry_date expiry_date
date_renewed date_renewed date_renewed
gonenoaddress gonenoaddress incorrect_address
lost lost patron_card_lost
NOT PRESENT NOT PRESENT restricted (boolean,ro) ro = read only, use restrictions routes for more info. Ok for me.
debarred debarred REMOVED Separate API?
debarredcomment debarredcomment REMOVED Separate API?
contactname contactname contact_name [1] If this can't be used from GUI, should probably not be included in the API.
contactfirstname contactfirstname contact_firstnames [1] If this can't be used from GUI, should probably not be included in the API.
contacttitle contacttitle contact_titles [1] If this can't be used from GUI, should probably not be included in the API.
guarantorid guarantorid guarantor_id guarantor_id
borrowernotes borrowernotes notes staff_notes
relationship relationship relationship_type
sex sex gender
password REMOVED
flags flags staff_permissions
userid userid
opacnote opacnote opac_notes opac_notes
contactnote contactnote contact_notes [1] contact_note
sort1 sort1 statistics_1 The naming of this field is confusing in the GUI as well. Maybe we could think about something better.
sort2 sort2 statistics_2
altcontactfirstname altcontactfirstname altcontact_firstname
altcontactsurname altcontactsurname altcontact_surname
altcontactaddress1 altcontactaddress1 altcontact_address
altcontactaddress2 altcontactaddress2 altcontact_address2
altcontactaddress3 altcontactaddress3 altcontact_city
altcontactstate altcontactstate altcontact_state
altcontactzipcode altcontactzipcode altcontact_zip_code
altcontactcountry altcontactcountry altcontact_country
altcontactphone altcontactphone altcontact_phone
smsalertnumber smsalertnumber sms_number
sms_provider_id sms_provider_id
privacy privacy
privacy_guarantor_checkouts privacy_guarantor_checkouts
checkprevcheckout checkprevcheckout check_previous_checkout
updated_on updated_on
lastseen lastseen last_seen last_seen
lang lang
login_attempts login_attempts
overdrive_auth_token overdrive_auth_token
  • [1] This fields usage is not clearly defined through my code review. Comments from other devs is required (tcohen).


  • Debarments information is calculated and filled by Koha::Patron::Debarments. We shouldn't send the wrong message to API consumers that those fields can be updated through this endpoint. A /patrons/{patron_id}/restrictions endpoint needs to be added, and a boolean should be exposed on patron objects.