Package types
There are currently 6 Koha Debian package types
We recommend installing the 'koha-common' package for production systems, (no other Koha packages are required)
This package includes the Koha software and all required packages, but excludes database packages (mysql/mariadb).
This meta-package installs all required non-perl packages for Koha.
This meta-package installs all required perl packages for Koha.
Some example senarios for using the 'koha-deps' and 'koha-perldeps' packages would be a Koha 'tarball' install or a Koha 'git' install.
koha (experimental)
This package installs Koha using debconf. It depends on 'koha-common'.
koha-core (experimental)
This package installs a minimal version of Koha, it's intended to be used for docker type installs.
It excludes apache, mariadb, zebradb, elasticsearch, rabbitmq and memcached packages to allow for maximum configurability.
koha-full (experimental)
This package installs the Koha software and all required packages.
It depends on apache, mariadb, zebradb, elasticsearch, rabbitmq and memcached packages, and assumes that Koha will be installed on a single system.