Libraries endpoint RFC

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This RFC should be the basis for discussing the libraries endpoint. Work is being done in bug 16497

Actions and routes

The following table presents the current implementation, and the proposed changes.

Description Action Proposed path
List libraries
Add a library
Get a library
Overwrite a library
Delete a library
Partially update a library

Library object definition

DB schema tcohen Katrin
branchcode library_id library_id
branchname name name
branchaddress1 address1 address1
branchaddress2 address2 address2
branchaddress3 address3 address3
branchzip zip zip_code (match with patron api)
branchcity city city
branchstate state state
branchcountry country country
branchphone phone phone
branchfax fax fax
branchemail email email
branchreplyto reply_to reply_to_email
branchreturnpath return_path return_path_email
branchurl url url
issuing REMOVED Agree!
branchip ip ip
branchprinter REMOVED Agree!
branchnotes notes notes
geolocation geolocation geolocation
marcorgcode marcorgcode marc_org_code


It is important to check what data is to be publicly available (for OPAC usage, for example) and which won't ('ip', for example). The attributes that are not intended for 'all users', should be marked required: false on the spec. The controllers should take care of getting rid of those attributes.

We could consider adding new metadata to the schema files, as is_boolean (for example is_public).