General IRC meeting 1 August 2024

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This meeting is held as a video conference using Jitsi:

Jitsi Meeting Link

  • The meetings are not recorded.
  • You don't have to turn your camera on if you prefer not to be seen; but if you are able to use a microphone it will make things easier.
  • To join the meeting, click on the meeting link.
    • If you are on a desktop computer, it will open in a browser window. There is no need to install anything.
    • To join on a mobile device, you will need to download the Jitsi Meet app (Google Play, Apple Store)
    • Supported browsers | Mobile application
  • Browsers will ask for permission to use video and audio devices: check or review these settings if you have audio or video issues.

We will use the #koha IRC channel (IRC server to record the meeting minutes, including #info and #action information. Feel free to login there too (if you don't have an IRC client you can use your web browser.)

We will use Hedgedoc to record the meeting minutes, including introductions (formerly #info) and actions (formerly #action) information.



  • Introductions (please use "#info" in front of your introduction to have it show up in the automatic minutes)
  • Announcements
  • Actions from last meeting
    • look into recreating meetings functionality that we have in IRC in Mattermost
  • Close unused mailing lists or block option to subscribe
  • VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) - Koha is accessible and we should as a community be publishing VPAT for major releases of Koha


Next meeting



   * Minutes: