Ergonomics of smart-rules and circulation parameters

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Enhancement of smart-rules & circ parameters

Status: unknown
Sponsored by: Université Lyon 3
Developed by: BibLibre
Expected for: submitted to RM
Bug number: Bug 5437
Work in progress repository: No URL given.
Description: A lot of development is intended to allow for more refined parameters as far as circulation is concerned: see other RFCs for 3.4. There's going to be many more options and many more toggles / choices / more possibilities. It's doubtful this can be accommodated within the current page. So a new way to deal with the UI aspect of managing rules is in order. (to be continued with actual proposals: feel free to chime in)

This part has been done. It uses a new module C4/ and jquery to display and help in organisation of the smart-rule. Still to be done : a) highlighting the selected values, b) use of JEditable in order to allow ppl to edit one value at a time

Librarian can now enter default values for a library entering a * where they want the value to be abide by for all the categories or itemtypes below

network quotas are also checked, namely, when a value is entered for a default library, and a user borrows books from two libraries, not only Koha checks the quota for each library is respected, but also it checks the conformity with the global rule (“*”)