Development IRC meeting 19 March 2025
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This meeting is held as a video conference using Jitsi:
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We use Hedgedoc to record the meeting minutes, including introductions (formerly #info) and actions (formerly #action) information.
- 19 March 2025, 14:00 UTC Time and converter for various local times
- Introductions (the convention is `- <NAME>, <ORG>, <PLACE>`)
- Announcements
- Update from the Release manager (25.05)
- Updates from the Release Maintainers
- Updates from the QA team
- Status of roadmap projects
- Actions from last meeting
- lisette: Add a QA script check for NOTICE1 in the coding guideline.
- oleonard: write developer documentation on the bootstrap 5 upgrade.
- paulderscheid: Reintroduce JS guideline to always use double quotes, update prettier config to enforce for js and vue.
- paulderscheid: file an issue for integrating JS15 into QA scripts
- paulderscheid: to document the new process for chairing and managing meetings on the Wiki
- paulderscheid: write a draft on date/time related naming conventions for discussion.
- arthur: write a QA test for hea system preference changes.
- General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...)
- Review of coding guidelines
- Any other business
- Set time of next meeting
Please list your name here if you would like to attend but cannot make this meeting
David Cook
* Minutes: