Development IRC meeting 13 December 2023

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Video conference meeting using Jitsi at

  • IMPORTANT: The first person "in" the meeting needs to sign in as the "Moderator" using a Google, Facebook, or GitHub account; other attendees can then attend without any authentication - see the jitsi blog for more information.
  • To decide: whether to record or stream meeting to YouTube
  • Browsers will ask for permission to use video and audio devices: check or review these settings if you have audio or video issues
  • Supported browsers | Mobile application

Use the #koha IRC channel (IRC server to record the meeting minutes, including #info and #action information. (If you don't have an IRC client you can use your web browser.)



  • Introductions (please use "#info" in front of your introduction to have it show up in the automatic minutes)
  • Announcements
  • Update from the Release manager (24.05)
  • Updates from the Release Maintainers
  • Updates from the QA Team
  • KohaCon24 update
  • Actions from previous meetings (please remove any items closed)
    • CSRF fixes
    • update needed (tcohen and gmcharlt):
      • paulderscheid to share his script for perldocs
    • Move from Gitea to Forgejo (moved to after the 23.11 release) (tcohen)
    • DMARC for mailing lists: see email to mailing list from thd
    • tcohen to have a look at renaming master branch to main
    • Translation server migration weblate (Joubu)
      • Any questions? ask Joubu
  • General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...)
    • Draft style guide - needs to include how to use modals
    • Propose new rules for future Release Maintainers
      • Minimum 1 year experience on the QA team
      • Previous experience as a Release Maintainer
    • Bug 35302 - Koha depends on mpm_itk which prevents HTTP/2
  • Review of coding guidelines
    • ..
  • Set time of next meeting


Please list your name here if you would like to attend but cannot make this meeting

  • Fridolin SOMERS : can not attempt, but in a few days will live in France again


Next meeting
