Commands provided by the Debian packages

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This page contains helpful information that is mostly pulled from the scripts themselves. If you're a novice, this might not be as helpful as a step by step, since it's assumed that you know a few things. You might be looking for this page instead. :)

Run "man koha-common" or "man <some command>" on the command line for more (and more up-to-date) information about each command. Inline help, if available, can be accessed by running any command with a --help.

Administer instances


Create a new Koha instance.

koha-create {--create-db|--request-db|--populate-db|--use-db}
            [--marcflavor marc21|normarc|unimarc]
            [--zebralang en|es|fr|gr|nb|ru|uk] [--auth-idx dom|grs1]
            [--biblio-idx dom|grs1] [--memcached-servers server:port]
            [--memcached-prefix namespace_prefix]
            [--defaultsql /path/to/some.sql] [--configfile /path/to/config]
            [--passwdfile /path/to/passwd] [--dbhost host]
            [--database database] [--adminuser n] [--enable-sru]
            [--sru-port port] [--template-cache-dir directory]
            [--timezone time/zone] [--upload-path directory] [--letsencrypt]
            [--help|-h] {instancename}

Simple example, with MySQL running on the same server as everything else:

sudo koha-create --create-db instancename

Order of precedence for config options, from lowest to highest:

  1. The defaults set in koha-create itself
  2. /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf
  3. Config file specified with --configfile
  4. Individual options set with --marcflavor, --zebralang, --defaultsql, --adminuser

See Koha on Debian for further details.


Disable a Koha instance.

koha-disable instancename


Enable a Koha instance. New instances are enabled by default. You only need this command if you have previously disabled a site with koha-disable.

koha-enable instancename


Restore a Koha site from a dump (from koha-dump).

koha-restore sqldump configdump

Before restoring an instance you should koha-remove it first.


Create a dump of an instance's data for backup and migration. It does not include uploaded and temporary uploaded files unless specified.

The schema only option can be used to compare your existing database schema to the expected Koha structure.

koha-dump [--quiet|-q] [--exclude-indexes] instancename1 [instancename2...] [-h|--help]


--schema-only         Dump only the database schema
--exclude-indexes     Include Zebra indexes on the backup
--exclude-logs        Exclude /var/log/koha/name from the backup
--uploaded_files      Include uploaded files.
--uploaded_temp_files Include temporary uploaded files.
--quiet|-q            Make the script avoid printing to STDOUT
                      (useful for calling from another scripts)
--help|-h             Display this help message
--without-db-name     Do not include database name

NOTE: Backups created using this command can be restored using koha-restore.


Performs backups of the Koha installations on the server.

This allows automation of backing up the Koha data and configuration to the filesystem. It will keep the past so many backups, discarding older ones.


--output /path     The directory that the resulting files will be placed into.
                   (default: /var/spool/koha/) DOES NOT WORK
--days 2           The number of days to keep backups around for
                   (default: 2)
--exclude-indexes  Exclude Zebra indexes from the backups (default: false)
--exclude-logs     Exclude /var/log/koha/name from the backup (default: false)


  1. Backups produced using this tool can be restored using koha-restore.
  2. The --output /path option does not work - see Bug 10532 - koha-run-backups option --output doesn't work.


Remove a Koha instance.

koha-remove instance1 instance2 etc



Handle Zebra for named Koha instances.


koha-zebra [--start|--stop|--restart] [--status] [--quiet|-q] [-h|--help]

    --start        Start Zebra for named Koha instances.
    --stop         Stop Zebra for named Koha instances.
    --restart      Restart Zebra for named Koha instances.
    --status       Show status information about Zebra daemon for named Koha instances.
    --verbose|-v   Display progress messages.
    --help|-h      Show this information.


Rebuild the Zebra database for a Koha instance.

koha-rebuild-zebra [options] instancename1 instancename2...
    --authorities|-a  Only run process for authorities.
    --biblios|-b      Only run process for biblios.
    --full|-f         Does a reindex of the whole collection.
    --force           Run incremental indexing even if USE_INDEXER_DAEMON="yes"
    --quiet|-q        Sometimes be a bit quieter for scripts/cronjobs.
    --verbose|-v      Be verbose. Can be multiple.
    --help|-h         Print this help.
 Note: Any other options are passed directly to

Example of a full reindex (for both bibliographic records and authority records) for an instance, that outputs detailed information as it is reindexing:

sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -f -v  instancename

Example of a reindex for only authority records for an instance, that outputs detailed information as it is reindexing:

sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -f -v -a instancename

Example of a full reindex (for both bibliographic records and authority records) for an instance, that deletes all the current indexes and outputs detailed information as it is reindexing:

sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -d -f -v instancename


Manage the indexer daemon for name Koha instances

koha-indexer [--start|--stop|--restart] [--quiet|-q] instancename1 instancename2...]

    --start      Start the indexer daemon for the specified instances
    --stop       Stop the indexer daemon for the specified instances
    --restart    Restart the indexer daemon for the specified instances
    --quiet|-q   Make the script quiet about non existent instance names
                 (useful for calling from another scripts)
    --help|-h    Show usage information

[DEPRECATED] koha-start-zebra, koha-stop-zebra and koha-restart-zebra

This legacy scripts individually implemented each of the actions now handled by koha-zebra through option switches.



Rebuild Elasticsearch indexes

koha-elasticsearch --rebuild [-b|--biblios] [-a|--authorities] [-v|--verbose]
                             [-c n|--commit n] [-v|--verbose] {instancename...}



Manage running Plack daemons for named Koha instances

This script lets you manage the plack daemons for your Koha instances.

$scriptname --start|--stop|--restart|--reload|--status [--quiet|-q] instancename1 [instancename2...]
$scriptname --enable|--disable instancename1 [instancename2]
$scriptname -h|--help

    --start               Start the plack daemon for the specified instances
    --stop                Stop the plack daemon for the specified instances
    --restart             Restart the plack daemon for the specified instances
    --reload              Reload the plack daemon for the specified instances,
                          letting the busy workers finish processing their
                          requests before restarting them
    --enable              Enable plack for the specified instances
    --disable             Disable plack for the specified instances
    --status              Show the status of Plack for the specified instances
    --debugger            Enable running Plack in debug mode
    --debugger-key        Specify the key the IDE is expecting
    --debugger-location   Specify the host:port for your debugger tool (defaults
                          to localhost:9000)
    --debugger-path       Specify the path for the debugger library
    --quiet|-q            Make the script quiet about non existent instance names
                          (useful for calling from another scripts).
    --help|-h             Display this help message



Turn on email for a Koha instance. Also enables SMS if configured.

koha-email-enable instance1 instance2 etc


Turn off email for a Koha instance. Also disables SMS if configured.

koha-email-disable instance1 instance2 etc



Manage the SIP server for Koha instances.

koha-sip [--start|--stop|--restart] instancename1 [instancename2...]
koha-sip -h|--help

    --enable              Enable the Koha SIP server.
    --disable             Disable and stop the Koha SIP server.
    --start               Start the SIP server for the specified instance(s)
    --stop                Stop the SIP server for the specified instance(s)
    --restart             Restart the SIP server for the specified instance(s)
    --status              Show the status of the SIP server for the specified instance(s)
    --verbose|-v          Display progress and actions messages
    --help|-h             Display this help message

[DEPRECATED] koha-enable-sip, koha-start-sip and koha-stop-sip

These legacy scripts individually implemented each of the actions now handled by koha-sip through option switches.



Create default contents from an existing Koha site.

koha-dump-defaults instancename


Upgrade the DB schema for Koha instances. Done automatically on package upgrades.

koha-upgrade-schema instance1 instance2 etc


Reset password for a user in a Koha instance.

koha-reset-passwd instancename username


Provide an interactive mysql shell set up for the specified Koha instance.

koha-mysql instancename

To send some SQL to MySQL and get an answer back, without going into an interactive session (similar to the -e option to the mysql command):

echo "some sql" | koha-mysql instancename

This command was added in Koha 3.6.



Manage the languages available for your Koha installation.

koha-translate [--list|--available] [--install] ... language-code

    --list|-l        List the installed or available (combined with -a)
                     language translations
    --available|-a   Used in conjunction with -l to show all languages
    --check|-c       Check if all the .PO files are present for the specified language.
    --install|-i     Install the specified language translations
    --update|-u      Update the specified language translations
    --remove|-r      Remove the specified language translations
    --verbose|-v     Be more verbose on the translation process
    --help|-h        Display this help message
    --dev|-d         Limit actions to a specific dev instance

Example to install a language:

koha-translate -i <language-code>

For more information see installation of additional languages.



This script lets you manage sitemaps for your Koha instances (to avoid annoying bots eating up your CPU).

koha-sitemap [--enable|--disable] [--generate] [instancename1] [instancename2] [...]

    --enable     Enable sitemap generation for the specified instances
    --disable    Disable sitemap generation for the specified instances
    --generate   (Re)generate sitemap for the specified instances
    --quiet|-q   Make the script quiet about non existent instance names 
                 (useful for calling from another scripts).
    --help|-h    Display this help message



Performs the necessary changes to upgrade a Koha system from 3.2 to 3.4.

koha-upgrade-to-3.4 [instance1] [instance2] [...]

If no instance names are provided, this will run it on all of them.


Opens a shell with the user, environment and Perl library paths set up for a particular instance. This is useful if you need to run Koha tools directly.

koha-shell [-c COMMAND] [-h] [-l] [-m|-p|--preserve-environment] [-s SHELL] [-v|--verbose] [instancename]


These are scripts used by other scripts, you probably do not want to run them from the command line.


Create directories for a Koha instance.

koha-create-dirs [instance1] [instance2] [...]


Lists Koha instances, optionally only those that are enabled, or have email, SIP, plack or letsencrypt turned on.

koha-list [--enabled|--disabled] [--email|--noemail] [--sip|--nosip] [-h]

    --enabled         Show enabled instances
    --disabled        Show disabled instances
    --email           Show instances with email enabled
    --noemail         Show instances with email disabled
    --sip             Show instances with SIP enabled
    --nosip           Show instances with SIP disabled
    --plack           Show instances with Plack enabled
    --noplack         Show instances with Plack disabled
    --letsencrypt     Show instances with letsencrypt enabled
    --noletsencrypt   Show instances with letsencrypt disabled
    --help | -h       Show this help

The filtering options can be combined, and you probably want to do this (except --email and --noemail, or --enabled and --disabled, that's just silly).


Run a command for each Koha instance.

Takes the same arguments as koha-list.

koha-foreach [--enabled] [--email | --noemail] command

See also

Developer handbook