BibLibre patches to be integrated for 3.4

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 BibLibre has pushed 636 patches to be integrated in Koha. They are all available at, in branches called 3.4/BibLibre-<modulename>

For all branches : - make test show no error - perl perl xt/author/valid-templates.t runs smoothly - this code is live for 3 of our customers (and large one), so the main problems should be in rebasing/splitting. - our master branch on contains the original code. In case of a problem, you can compare files in both branches

Here is a description of what we have submitted :

Acquisition patches (#5580, pull request sent)

New script to delete old suggestions (MT3000), other patches are bugfixes, minor changes login test/test

BibLibre branch description tested by status
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/ Irma Birchall No problems.
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/ Irma Birchall The purpose for encumbrance and expenditure is unclear and it is unclear which values should be entered. Are these features coded? See Bug 4266
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/
BibLibre-acquisitions acqui/

Other observations

BibLibres patches don't solve Bug 4438. Add a budget, a fund and a child fund, try to edit the parent fund (1st level). It is not possible to save changes to the fund, because of a wrong JavaScript alert. (

Authorities (#5581 pull request sent)

  • adding a "default" authorities, and the possibility to search on "default". Thus, when a user don't know in which authtype what he is looking is, he will be able to search
  • many fixes on UNIMARC
  • some general fixes & changes in templates
  • missing = default marc21/en authorities login test/test

BibLibre branch description tested by status
BibLibre-authorities authorities/
BibLibre-authorities Authorities search

cataloguing (#5574, waiting_qa)

  • new granular perm to edit biblio/edit item
  • FA (fast cataloguing) accessible from circ when barcode not found if FA framework exists
  • in addbiblio, <enter> no more validates the record
  • Biblio bulkedit (like item bulkedit on koha 3.2)
  • various fixes test/test

BibLibre branch description tested by status
BibLibre-cataloguing granular permission (edit_items)
BibLibre-cataloguing biblio merging fixes
BibLibre-cataloguing cataloguing/
BibLibre-cataloguing batchedit changes(items)
BibLibre-cataloguing tools/
BibLibre-cataloguing tools/
BibLibre-cataloguing move_items permission changed
BibLibre-cataloguing unimarc_plugins updated

OPAC (#5584 request to pull sent)

  • coinS fixes
  • Perl 5.10.0 needed
  • new syspref to have some items automatically & always removed on OPAC
  • limitation by group working again (fix)
  • search history fix & improvement : limit taken into account

BibLibre branch description tested by status
BibLibre-opac opac/
BibLibre-opac opac/
BibLibre-opac opac/ Owen Leonard The fix for MT3618, "search is duplicated" is a revert of an intentional change: duplicating the search controls makes them more visible for those who don't use all advanced controls. I recommend we modify the markup to make it possible to hide with CSS.
BibLibre-opac opac/
BibLibre-opac opac/
BibLibre-opac opac/
BibLibre-opac opac/
BibLibre-opac OpacHiddenItems syspref added

Various test/test

BibLibre branch description tested by status
BibLibre-various multiple CAS authentication
BibLibre-various bulkmarcimport improved
BibLibre-various UNIMARC XSLT improvements/changes
BibLibre-various deal with Mac/windows endofline in CSV profiles
BibLibre-various overdue_notices improvements : exlude branches from notices, display branch names & not branchcodes, generate html (or plain text as previously, through an option)

Note: this branch must (and will) be splitted in smaller patches, it contains some code very customer specific that should not be in official Koha atm, and does not result in a consistent branch.

catalogue-circulation-members (#5575 awaiting_qa)

This is the biggest part of the stuff : 300 patches. cat/circ/memb are highly nested, so it has been impossible to split them in smallest parts.

Note : if you test, you'll see that there is a javascript problem if you don't have merged BibLibre-admin. That's because admin adds tablesorter jquery extension, that is used in, and it's not available in this branch. There is no other consequencies. You won't see the problem if you've BibLibre-admin already merged. test/test

BibLibre branch description tested by status
BibLibre-memb-circ-upd catalogue viewcard now compatible with UNIMARC
BibLibre-memb-circ-upd duplicate a patron (new feature) Liz Rea Worked well for me, duplicated 1 patron into 3 members of a family. Also checked duplicating a record into a child record, and duplicating a patron into a child with a guarantor. One minor issue: the duplicated patron form does not auto populate the borrower card number like the original add patron interface does: as an example, add patron 1, you get an autopop cardnumber. Duplicate patron 1, and the new patron (patron 2) will not have a number assigned, even with the autopop syspref on. This is minor, since most places don't autopop cardnumbers, they scan them in. It is inconsistent behavior, however.

BibLibre-memb-circ-upd purchase suggestion link in patron detail (new feature)
BibLibre-memb-circ-upd displaying guaranteed issues on guarantor detail (new feature) Liz Rea No issues displaying guaranteed issues on guarantor detail.
BibLibre-memb-circ-upd many changes in borrowers displays (new fields, reordering of fields,...) Liz Rea On, the a fatal error: "Undefined subroutine &main::ModNote called at /home/koha/versions/3.4/borrowers/members/ line 91" when trying to pay fines. Replication video:

Patch pushed today 2010-11-30 Pushed to new/awaiting_qa/biblibre_memb_circ_upd --Chris 01:12, 30 November 2010 (UTC)

BibLibre-memb-circ-upd rewritten hold/issues/fine rules = all at branch/itemtype/categorycode level + inheritance. Note that the "default" branch means "total" or "default" again, depending on wether there is a branch level value. For example default 10 items, B1 5 items (5 from branch B1, 10 overall), B2 nothing specified (= 10 items, default value)
BibLibre-memb-circ-upd hold now have a primary key
BibLibre-memb-circ-upd show status & damaged of checked-in documents (new feature) Liz Rea Damaged status does not show when item is checked in using the check box on the check in page. I believe it should. The following error occurred when I tried to check in an item using the masthead check in function: Global symbol "$remotehost" requires explicit package name at /home/koha/versions/3.4/borrowers/circ/ line 228.

Global symbol "$remotehost" requires explicit package name at /home/koha/versions/3.4/borrowers/circ/ line 229. Execution of /home/koha/versions/3.4/borrowers/circ/ aborted due to compilation errors. And actually, now I cannot check in at all, even from

Patch Pushed Patch pushed today 2010-11-30

Pushed to new/awaiting_qa/biblibre_memb_circ_upd --Chris 01:12, 30 November 2010 (UTC)

BibLibre-memb-circ-upd new syspref : 'OPACPickupLocation','1','Allow choice for Pickup Library reserve at OPAC' (new feature) Liz Rea / nengard No problems found. Works as advertised. / I just note that it should be 'hold' not reserve.
BibLibre-memb-circ-upd CI-3M syspref for rfid security on/off (new feature)
BibLibre-memb-circ-upd offline circ rewritten & improved : uses a firefox module available at, user can upload all files when network back, and Koha merge all of them on order (new feature)

Almost all scripts have been modified in circ/reserves/patron

Admin patches (merged into master)

  • only bugfixes or minor improvements (like table sorter everywhere where it's relevant)
  • removing link to new syspref => probably not to apply ! We faced many problems with the new system (with translations, that was inverting yes and no !!! and also with upload feature we have added and that we needed it. I suggest to revert this patch, work on upload syspref feature, and heavy testing of the new system in french !) Note that all our patches for new sysprefs in updatedatabase are related to old updatedatabase system, and will have to be ported to new system login test/test

BibLibre branch description tested by status
BibLibre-admin admin/ Irma Birchall All features are working
BibLibre-admin admin/ Irma Birchall All features are working
BibLibre-admin admin/ Irma Birchall tested on 30/10/2010

Undefined subroutine &main::mybranch called at /home/koha/versions/3.4/admin/admin/ line 43.


BibLibre-admin admin/ Irma Birchall All features are working
BibLibre-admin admin/ Irma Birchall All features are working
BibLibre-admin admin/ Irma Birchall All features are working

Reports (merged into master)

  • fixes
  • adding choice of separator in CSV export (guided reports) test/test (note there are no datas on the DB)

BibLibre branch description tested by status
BibLibre-reports guided-reports (incl permission)
BibLibre-reports reports/
BibLibre-reports reports/
BibLibre-reports reports/
BibLibre-reports reports/ nengard We have agreed that reserves are called 'holds' also capitalization is inconsistent. The toolbar on the left is missing a link to the new 'Holds' stats.

Serials (merged into master)

  • granular permissions added
  • fixes & minor improvements

This has been merged into master after passing qa and basic testing, please test fully

BibLibre branch description tested by status
BibLibre-serials Each script has been modified (permissions)