API comparative usages

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Features ILS-DI Koha REST (19.05.x) Koha-restful Soon
Patron information GetPatronInfo GET /patrons/{borrowernumber}
Renew a loan RenewLoan PUT /patrons/{borrowernumber}/issues/{itemnumber}
Patron modification PUT /patrons/{borrowernumber} PUT /user/:name
Password modification /patrons/{patron_id}/password PUT /auth/change_password
Loans history GET /patrons/{patron_id}/checkouts (Non implémenté!!!) GET /user/:name/issues_history
Add a suggestion POST /suggestions
Notifications modification
Patron loans GetPatronInfo&show_loans=1 GET /borrowers/{borrowernumber}/issues GET /user/:name/issues
Patron holds GetPatronInfo&show_holds=1 GET /borrowers/{borrowernumber}/reserves GET /user/:name/holds
Hold availability GetServices OPTIONS /borrowers/{borrowernumber}/reserves GET /biblio/:biblionumber/holdable
Hold availability on the item GetServices OPTIONS /borrowers/{borrowernumber}/reserves "GET /biblio/:biblionumber/items_holdable_status GET /item/:itemnumber/holdable"
Items list GetRecords GET /biblios/{biblio_id}/items GET /biblio/:biblionumber/items
Patrons list GET /patrons "GET /user GET /user/all"
Patron lookup LookupPatron GET /patrons?cardnumber={cardnumber} GET /user
Fines list GetPatronInfo&show_fines=1 GET /borrowers/{borrowernumber}/accountlines
Hold on next availability on biblio HoldTitle POST /borrowers/{borrowernumber}/reserves
Hold on item HoldItem POST /borrowers/{borrowernumber}/reserves
Cancel an hold CancelHold DELETE /borrowers/{borrowernumber}/reserves/{id}
Authentication AuthenticatePatron OAuth ?
Item availability GetAvailability
Biblio records list GetRecords https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Biblios_endpoint_RFC
Authority list GetAuthorityRecords
List members subscribed today GET /patrons?date_enrolled={YYYY-MM-DD} GET /user/today
Add a patron POST /patrons POST /user
Delete a patron DELETE /patrons/{borrowernumber} DELETE /user/:name
Renew a patron PUT /patrons/{borrowernumber} POST /user/:name/renewal
Patron status GetPatronStatus
Hold modificaiton PUT /borrowers/{borrowernumber}/reserves/{id}
Branches list bz pushed for 18.11 voir col G GET /branches
Suggestions list "bz failed QA existant voir col G" GET /suggestions
Suggestion information "bz failed QA existant mais n'implémente pas la fonction voir col G" GET /suggestions/:suggestionid
Suggestion modification "bz failed QA existant mais n'implémente pas la fonction voir col G" PUT /suggestion/:suggestionid
Suggestion deletion "bz failed QA existant voir col G" DELETE /suggestion/:suggestionid
Top issues GET /topissues