Proposal jcamins RMaint 36x

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Proposal for Release Maintainer for 3.6.x During the 3.10.x Release Cycle


With the 3.10 release cycle, Chris Cormack and I have proposed to divide the RMaint duties, with Chris managing the 3.8.x branch and me managing the 3.6.x branch. In the interest of stability, I propose the following change to maintaining 3.6.x:

Rather than cherry-picking commits off of master (or 3.8.x) directly onto the 3.6.x as soon as they are committed, I propose imposing a 1-month (or so) embargo on all non-security fixes, so that any unforeseen regressions will (hopefully) be caught and fixed on the master branch, and not deployed to a stable version. To accomplish this, I propose using two git branches for 3.6.x. The first branch will be 3.6.x-testing, which will have the code proposed for 3.6.x but not out of the embargo period. After they have passed their embargo period, commits on 3.6.x-testing will be cherry-picked onto the existing 3.6.x branch for incorporation into the next release. Note that the 3.6.x-testing branch *is not intended for production use*. Rather, it is intended to increase the transparency of the release process.