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Albania | Austria | Belgium | Croatia | Cyprus | Czechia | Denmark | Finland | France | Georgia | Germany | Greece | Ireland | Italy | The Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Russia | Slovakia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey | Ukraine | United Kingdom

Country Location Library Type Library Name Contact Name Notes
Albania Tirana Academic Biblioteka Shkencore e Universitetit te Arteve http://uart.edu.al Miranda Bakiasi: biblioteka@uart.edu.al; Erjon Sulaj: it@uart.edu.al Public OPAC at http://www.uart.edu.al/katalog_biblio; Koha version: 3.04
Austria Klosterneuburg Special library
Institute of Science and Technology, https://koha.app.ist.ac.at/ Márton Villányi, marton.villanyi@ist.ac.at Koha 16.11 (Supported by Interleaf)
Austria Salzburg Monastery library Erzabtei St. Peter Sonja Führer, bibliothek@erzabtei.at Koha 20.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Austria Vienna Special library KDZ - Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung Anna Schubert, schubert(at)kdz.or.at Koha 22.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Austria Vienna Monastery library Teresianischer Karmel in Österreich Roberto Pirastu, roberto(at)karmel.at Koha 18.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Austria Vienna Special library UNIDO Library Katipo Communications Public OPAC at www.unido.org/library, about to upgrade to 2.0.x
Austria Vienna Special library Public Library of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Parish St. Barbara Stephan Witoszynskyj Public OPAC at http://library.st-barbara-austria.org/
Belgium Louvain-la-Neuve Unité universitaire unité d'écologie Université catholique de Louvain deconinck stephane deconinck@ecol.ucl.ac.be Koha 2.2.5
Belgium Brussels Academic Library Royal Conservatories of Brussels Library Joachim Ganseman, bib.kcb@ehb.be Public OPAC at http://catalog.b-bc.org (independent setup of Koha 3.22)
Belgium Antwerp Special Library MoMu Fashion Museum Antwerp Tobias Hendrickx, library@momu.be Public OPAC at http://library.momu.be
Current version: 16.11.12 (supported by Biblibre)
Belgium Brussels Library ENERGY CHARTER SECRETARIAT Boulevard de la Woluwe, 56 Hosted by Prosentient Systems
Bulgaria Sofia All library types National Academic Library and Information System Koha 21.05
Croatia Osijek Academic library Evangelical Theological Seminary, Hendrickson library Andrew Seguin, info@evtos.hr Koha 2.2.8
Croatia Zagreb Academic library Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb Marijana Glavica, mglavica@ffzg.hr Koha 3.13, live OPAC http://koha.ffzg.unizg.hr
Croatia Zagreb Special library Ruđer Bošković Institute Library, Zagreb http://library.irb.hr Bojan Macan, bmacan@irb.hr Koha 3.4.2, live OPAC https://katalog.irb.hr/
Croatia Zagreb Academic library Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb http://www.fer.unizg.hr/knjiznica Jadranka Lisek, jadranka.lisek@fer.hr Koha 3.13, live OPAC http://lib.fer.hr/
Croatia Zagreb Academic library Bible Institute in Zagreb, Zagreb http://bizg.hr/index.php/en Koha CUG, koha-cug@mjesec.ffzg.hr Koha 3.12, live OPAC http://bizg.koha.rot13.org/
Croatia Zagreb Special library The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies http://www.imin.hr/en/ Koha CUG, koha-cug@mjesec.ffzg.hr Koha 3.12, live OPAC http://imin.koha.rot13.org/
Croatia Zagreb Special library Zelena mreža aktivističkih grupa http://www.zmag.hr/ Koha CUG, koha-cug@mjesec.ffzg.hr Koha 3.12, live OPAC http://zmag.koha.rot13.org/
Croatia Zagreb Special library The State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia http://www.dziv.hr/en/ Koha CUG, koha-cug@mjesec.ffzg.hr Koha 3.12, live OPAC http://knjiznica.dziv.hr/
Czechia Roztoky Municipal Library Městská knihovna Roztoky Michal Špaček (spacek_at_roztoky.cz) OPAC
Finland Helsinki (Helsingfors), Mikkeli (Sankt Michel) Academic Library The National Library of Finland kk-palvelu@helsinki.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://kansalliskirjasto.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda)
Finland Hämeenlinna Academic Library HAMK Library of the Häme University of Applied Sciences Sinikka Luokkanen, sinikka.luokkanen@hamk.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://hamk.finna.fi ) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda)
Finland Jyväskylä Academic Library Jyväskylä University Library jykneuvonta@library.jyu.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://jyu.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda)
Finland Helsinki (Helsingfors) Spceial Library Library of Statistics Finland info@tilastokeskus.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://tilastokeskus.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda)
Finland Helsinki (Helsingfors) Academic Library Diak Library of the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences kirjasto.helsinki@diak.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://diak.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda)
Finland Helsinki (Helsingfors) Academic Library Library of the Arcada University of Applied Sciences biblioteket@arcada.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://arcada.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda)
Finland Helsinki (Helsingfors), Jyväskylä, Kauniainen (Grankulla), Kuopio, Nurmijärvi, Turku (Åbo) Academic Library Library of the Humak University of Applied Sciences kirjasto@humak.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://humak.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda)
Finland Helsinki (Helsingfors) Academic Library Library of the Hanken School of Economics biblioteket@hanken.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://hanken.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda)
Finland Helsinki (Helsingfors) Academic Library Library of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences kirjasto@metropolia.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://metcat.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda). Metropolia shares the Koha instance wit the library of Laurea Uni of Applied sciences, and Haaga-Helia Uni of Applied Sciences, although they run seoarate libraries.
Finland Espoo (Esbo), Hyvinkää, Lohja (Lojo), Porvoo (Borgå), Vantaa Academic Library Library of Laurea University of Applied Sciences Hanna.Lahtinen(at)laurea.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://metcat.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda). Laurea shares the Koha instance wit the library of Metropolia Uni of Applied sciences, and Haaga-Helia Uni of Applied Sciences, although they run seoarate libraries.
Finland Helsinki, Porvoo (Borgå) Academic Library Library of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Eeva.Klinga-Hyoty(at)haaga-helia.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://metcat.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda). Haaga-Helia shares the Koha instance wit the library of Metropolia Uni of Applied sciences, and Laurea Uni of Applied Sciences, although they run seoarate libraries.
Finland Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli, Savonlinna Academic Library Library of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) pekka.uotila(at)xamk.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://kaakkuri.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda).
Finland Vaasa (Vasa), Jakobstad (Pietarsaari) Academic Library Tritonia Academic Library loans@tritonia.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://tritonia.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda). – Tritonia Academic Library serves five universities and universities of applied sciences: University of Vaasa; VAMK University of Applied Sciences in Vaasa; branches of Novia University of Applied Sciences in Vaasa and Jakobstad; branch of Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa; and branch of Hanken School of Economics in Vaasa.
Finland Kokkola (Karleby) Academic Library Library of Centria University of Applied Sciences kirjasto.kokkola(at)centria.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://centria.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda).
Finland Helsinki (Helsingfors) Academic Library The National Defence University Llibrary kirjasto.mpkk@mil.fi Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://mpkk.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda).
Finland Helsinki (Helsingfors), Inari (Enare, Anára, Aanaar, Aanar), Hämeenlinna (Tavastehus), Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Mikkeli (Sankt Michel), Oulu (Uleåborg), Turku (Åbo), Vaasa (Vasa) Academic Library The libraries of the National Archives of Finland Koha 24.05, supported by the National Library of Finland (https://www.kiwi.fi/display/Kirjastojarjestelmapalvelut/In+English). User interface (https://mpkk.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about). Cataloguing through Melinda (https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/services/metadata-reserve-services/melinda).
Finland Valamo Monastery Theological (Orthodox) Valamo Monastery library Monk Viktor (mviktor@valamo.fi) Planning a deployment, proofread translation to finnish and preparing MARC -tables to FINMARC21 compatable.
Finland Kouvola Public library Kyyti-libraries kirjasto(at)kouvola.fi Koha 17.05 custom fork. User interface (https://kyyti.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about).
Finland Rovaniemi Public library Lappi-libraries kirjasto(at)rovaniemi.fi Koha 17.05 custom fork https://koha.lapinkirjasto.fi. User interface (https://lapinkirjasto.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about).
Finland Mikkeli Public library Lumme-libraries kirjasto(at)mikkeli.fi Koha 17.05 custom fork. User interface (https://lumme.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about).
Finland Oulu Public library OUTI-libraries info.kirjasto(at)ouka.fi Koha 17.05 custom fork. User interface (https://outi.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about).
Finland Joensuu Public library Vaara-libraries kirjasto(at)joensuu.fi Koha 17.05 custom fork. User interface (https://vaara.finna.fi/) is a Finna search service (https://finna.fi/Content/about).
A Lovely Map of French Users All France All Library Types Many Locations Thanks to the Kohala Users Group http://koha-fr.org/installations-en-france/ Many different installations
France Paris College library Ecole Nationale des Mines de Paris
Koha 17.11 (supported by Biblibre)
France Lyon Academic library Université Lyon 3 Sonia BOUIS (koha_at_univ-lyon3.fr) Koha 16.11 (supported by Biblibre)
France Paris Research library Centre Roland Mousnier
Koha 17.11 (supported by Biblibre)
France Ain Christian library Abbaye ND des Dombes
Koha 17.11 (supported by Biblibre)
France Lafrancaise Public library Centre Culturel Intercommunal
Koha 17.11 (supported by Biblibre)
France Noisy College library Electronic High School ESIEE, CCI Paris Serge renaux, s.renaux_at_esiee.fr Koha 1.9.3
France Paris Christian library Institut Protestant de Théologie Ana Maria Isliwa amsann@cp.dias.ie Koha 17.11 (supported by Biblibre)
France Chambery Christian library Bib. diocesaine
Koha 17.11 (supported by Biblibre)
France Landes Monastic library Abbaye ND de Maylis Fr. Vianney (bibliotheque_at_maylis.org) Koha 2.0.0RC1
France Lyon College library Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon http://www.biblibre.com and Y. Djebili (yacine.djebili_at_univ-lyon2.fr) Koha 3.0
France Aix and Marseille Academic library Universités d'Aix-Marseille koha@univ-provence.fr Koha 17.11 (supported by Biblibre)
France Rennes Academic library Université Rennes 2 koha_at_listes.uhb.fr Koha 3.10 (live in september 2012)
France Paris Academic library BULAC (Bibliothèque des langues et civilisations) sigb@bulac.fr Koha 20.11, https://catalogue.bulac.fr
Georgia Tbilisi Prison library Womens prison library Ana Gergedava (an.gergedava@gmail.com)
Germany Berlin Special antifaschistisches pressearchiv und bildungszentrum berlin e.v. http://www.apabiz.de mail@apabiz.de Koha 3.12, OPAC: http://bibliothek.apabiz.de
Germany Altenburg Special Library Landesarchiv Thüringen - Staatsarchiv Altenburg, OPAC: http://tsaabg.thulb.uni-jena.de Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Bergneustadt Special library Forum Wiedenest e. V.
Koha 22.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Bonn Special Library Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung https://www.bibb.de bibliothek@bibb.de Koha 16.11, (VuFind OPAC)
Germany Berlin Special library Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung (BBF) des DIPF, OPAC: http://bbf.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Berlin Special library EOTO Bibliothek
Koha 21.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Berlin College European College of the Liberal Arts
(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
Germany Berlin Special library Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e. V.
Koha 22.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Berlin Special interest university library Fachbibliothek für Theater- und Veranstaltungstechnik Dorian Meid dnmeid@gmx.de Public OPAC in preparation http://www.backstage-books.de
Germany Berlin Special library Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Koha 20.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Berlin Special library Joseph Wulf Bibliothek, Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz, OPAC: http://ghwk-bibliothekskatalog.de/
Koha 21.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Berlin Medical library Max-Delbrück-Centrum für molekulare Medizin Berlin-Buch
Koha 21.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Berlin Research library Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik
Koha 22.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Berlin Special library Mediothek des Sprachenzentrums der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: https://www.sprachenzentrum.hu-berlin.de/struktur-ansprechpartner-innen/mediothek
Koha 3.12
Germany Berlin Special library Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, http://www.rosalux.de/stiftung/archiv/bibliothek.html
Koha 3.20.x, supported by Mirko Tietgen (koha.abunchofthings.net)
Germany Berlin, Hamburg, Köln, München, Stuttgart Academic library freshpages MHMK Bibliothek der MHMK Macromedia Hochschule für Medien und Kommunikation, OPAC: http://macromedia.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Bonn Archive and special library Stadtarchiv und Stadthistorische Bibliothek Bonn
Koha 21.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Camburg Special Library Stadtmuseum Camburg, OPAC: https://smc.thulb.uni-jena.de Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Dresden Special library Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Sachsen
  • OPAC: nur intern
Koha 20.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn and BSZ)
Germany Erkner Special library Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung Simone Vogler, bibliothek@leibniz-irs.de Koha 22.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Esslingen Academic library Staatliches Seminar für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung Esslingen, OPAC: http://seminar-esslingen.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Frankfurt Academic library Frankfurter Forschungsbibliothek (FFB) des DIPF, OPAC: http://ffb.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Freiburg Academic library Freiburg Protestant University of Applied Sciences, OPAC: http://eh-freiburg.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Göttingen Special library Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt
  • OPAC: nur intern

Koha 21.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Gotha Special Library Landesarchiv Thüringen - Staatsarchiv Gotha, OPAC: http://tsago.thulb.uni-jena.de Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Greiz Special Library Landesarchiv Thüringen - Staatsarchiv Greiz, OPAC: http://tsagrz.thulb.uni-jena.de Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Hameln Academic library Hochschule Weserbergland
Koha 22.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Hanau Großauheim Public library Bibliothek Großauheim, OPAC: n.a. http://www.bibliothek-grossauheim.de
Koha 3.20.x
Germany Heidelberg Academic library Bibliothek Albert Einstein der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, OPAC: http://hfjs.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Heidelberg Special library Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Koha 21.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Heidelberg Special library Theater- und Spielberatung Baden-Württemberg e. V.
Koha 21.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Heilbronn Academic library Staatliche Seminare für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung Heilbronn, OPAC: http://seminar-heilbronn.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Herne Special library Martin-Opitz-Bibliothek
Koha 23.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Meiningen Special Library Landesarchiv Thüringen - Staatsarchiv Meiningen, OPAC: http://tsamgn.thulb.uni-jena.de/ Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Munich Special European Southern Observatory
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
Germany Nordhausen Special Library KZ-Gedenkstätte Mittelbau-Dora, OPAC: http://gmd.thulb.uni-jena.de Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Oberwolfach Academic library Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, OPAC: http://mfo.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Potsdam Academic library Bibliothek des Wissenschaftsparks Albert Einstein
Koha 3.18 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Rottweil Academic library Staatliche Seminare für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung Rottweil, OPAC: http://seminar-rottweil.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Rudolstadt Special Library Historische Bibliothek Rudolstadt, OPAC: http://hbr.thulb.uni-jena.de Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Rudolstadt Special Library Landesarchiv Thüringen - Staatsarchiv Rudolstadt, OPAC: http://tsaru.thulb.uni-jena.de Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Saarbrücken Academic library Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien (INM), OPAC: http://inm.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Stuttgart School library International School of Stuttgart & Böblingen and Sindelfingen International Community School, OPAC: http://library.issev.de Jürgen Eichenbrenner Koha '3.6.x'
Germany Stuttgart Special interest library Haus der Heimat des Landes Baden-Württemberg, OPAC: http://hdh.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Stuttgart Public library Stadtteilbücherei Maichingen, OPAC: http://online.buecherei-maichingen.de info@buecherei-maichingen.de Koha 16.05.04
Germany Stuttgart Academic library Staatliches Seminar für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung Stuttgart, OPAC: http://seminar-stuttgart.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Treuchtlingen Public library Stadtbibliothek Treuchtlingen
Koha 18.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Germany Weimar Special Library Gedenkstätte Buchenwald, OPAC: http://gbu.thulb.uni-jena.de Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Weimar Special Library Stiftung Ettersberg, OPAC: http://ste.thulb.uni-jena.de Koha-Team (koha@thulb.uni-jena.de) Koha 16.05, supported and hosted by ThULB Jena (ThULB)
Germany Weingarten Academic library Staatliches Seminar für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung Weingarten, OPAC: http://seminar-weingarten.bsz-bw.de
Supported by Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Germany Wildau Public library Stadtbibliothek Wildau, OPAC: http://koha.wildau.de bibliothek ät th-wildau d0t de Koha 3.22.x, interface to Onleihe, working on RFID-integration
Germany Wuppertal Music library Musikbibliothek des Chorverbands der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland e. V.
Koha 3.20 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Greece Athens Special interest academic library International Center for Hellenic and Mediterranean Studies/ College Year in Athens Georgia Katsarou (gkatsa@dikemes.edu.gr) Koha 3.22, http://opac.dikemes.edu.gr/
Greece Athens Special interest library Digital Curation Unit / Athena Research Center Stavros Angelis (s.angelis@dcu.gr) Koha 2.2.9
Greece Thessaloniki Academic library A.U.Th. Library & Information Centre
Koha 3.20.x
Greece Athens Law firm Library PotamitisVekris Law Partnership http://www.potamitisvekris.com/ Dimitris Antonakis (dimantonak@gmail.com) Koha 17.11.05
Greece Athens Research library Kytherian Association of Athens Dimitris Antonakis (dimantonak@gmail.com) Koha 3.22.x
Greece Volos Public Library Volos Municipal Central Library (DIKI[1]) Evgenios Papadopoulos (eugenios.papadopoulos@gmail.com) Koha
Ireland Belfast Academic Belfast Metropolitan College Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.18.04
Ireland Dublin Special Archbishop Marsh's Library Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.08.09
Ireland Dublin Special Barnardos Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.04
Ireland Dublin Special Centre for Effective Services Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.04.02
Ireland Dublin Special Christ Church Cathedral Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.05
Ireland Dublin Academic Dublin Business School Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.12.05
Ireland Dublin Special Early Childhood Ireland Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.02
Ireland Dublin Academic Griffith College Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.01
Ireland Dublin Special Irish Hospice Foundation Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.12.04
Ireland Dublin Academic Irish Management Institute Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.01
Ireland Dublin Special Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.01
Ireland Dublin Special National Council for the Blind in Ireland Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.04.01
Ireland Dublin Special The Redemptorist Community Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.04
Ireland Dublin Special Respond! Housing Association Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.01
Ireland Dublin Special The Revenue Commissioners Library Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.20.04
Ireland Dublin Special Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.01
Ireland Dublin Special Royal Dublin Society Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.04
Ireland Dublin Academic Technological University Dublin - Tallaght Campus Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 18.11.06
Ireland Dublin Special Geophysics Library, School of Cosmic Physics,Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Anna Sewielski (amsann@cp.dias.ie) Koha 3.05
Ireland Limerick Special Glenstal Abbey Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha
Italy Florence Special Lorenzo Di' Medici Vania Pistolozz http://ldmopac.liblime.com/ Koha 2.2 (supported and hosted by LibLime)
Italy Pisa Special Biblioteca Franco Serantini di Pisa Biblioteca Franco Serantini (website http://www.bfs.it) http://bfsopac.org/ Koha 3.06.04
Italy Milano Special Fondazione BEIC http://www.beic.it/ customerservice@beic.it Koha 3.12, with ansible recipes ready for 3.22+
Italy Rome Academic library Pontificia Università della Santa Croce https://catalogo.pusc.it library@pusc.it Koha 20.11
Italy Rome Academic Rome Global Gateway Library (University of Notre Dame)
OPAC (Supported by Hesburgh Libraries)
Italy Rome Special library Iglesia Nacional Española en Roma http://www.iglesianacionalespanola.com/biblioteca.html biblioteca@iglesianacionalespanola.com Koha 3.18
Italy Rome Special UN library David Lubin Memorial Library (DLML), FAO of the UN http://unfao.koha-ptfs.eu (prototype)
La rete biblioteccaria delle serre colabresi Biblioserre Piazza Municipio, 10, 88060 Torre di Ruggiero CZ Hosted by Prosentient Systems
Netherlands, the Amsterdam Special Library Rijksmuseum Research Library Marcel de Rooy Koha 22.11 OPAC: https://library.rijksmuseum.nl/ (local support and hosting)
Netherlands, the Breda Academic Library Breda University of Applied Sciences library@buas.nl Koha 20.11 OPAC (supported and hosted by BibLibre)
Netherlands, the Deventer/Enschede Academic Library Saxion University of Applied Sciences Jan Mark Koopmans / Ronald Wijlens libraryservices@saxion.nl Koha 21.11 OPAC (supported and hosted by BibLibre)
Netherlands, the Leiden Academic Library Leiden University of Applied Sciences Toine Groen Koha 21.11 (supported and hosted by BibLibre)
Netherlands, the Maastricht Academic Library Science, technology and innovation, access to knowledge library@merit.unu.edu Koha 16.05.04
Netherlands, the Zwolle Academic Library Windesheim University of Applied Sciences Henriëtte Doornebosch / Sonia Rinaldi mediacentrum@windesheim.nl Koha 20.11 OPAC (supported and hosted by BibLibre)
Norway Bergen Academic Library Sjøkrigsskolens bibliotek (Library of the Naval Academy) Kari Jensen Koha 17.05.x OPAC: http://sksk.bibkat.no/ (supported and hosted by Libriotech)
Public Library
Deichmanske Bibliotek (Oslo Public Library)
Koha 3.xx [project underway]
Poland Białystok Academic Eastern European University of Applied Sciences in Bialystok Koha 22.05, OPAC https://katalog.wans.edu.pl
Poland Bielsko-Biała Academic University of Applied Sciences in Bielsko-Biała Koha 22.05, OPAC https://bibl.ansbb.edu.pl
Poland Częstochowa Academic Czestochowa University of Technology Koha 22.05, OPAC https://katalog.biblioteka.pcz.pl
Poland Gorzów Wielkopolski Academic Higher School of Business in Gorzów Wielkopolski Koha 22.05, OPAC https://katalog.wsb.gorzow.pl
Poland Koszalin Academic Koszalin University of Technology Koha 23.11, OPAC https://koha.tu.koszalin.pl
Poland Kraków Academic Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków Koha 24.05, OPAC https://katalogkoha.asp.krakow.pl/
Poland Kraków Academic Cracow University of Economics Koha 23.11, OPAC https://katalog.uek.krakow.pl
Poland Kraków Academic Ignatianum University in Cracow Koha 23.11, OPAC https://katalog.ignatianum.edu.pl
Poland Kraków Academic Library of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University biblioteka@afm.edu.pl https://biblioteka.uafm.edu.pl/ Koha 23.11, OPAC https://katalog.uafm.edu.pl
Poland Kraków Academic (Theology & Philosophy) Library of the Dominican House of Studies http://biblio.dominikanie.pl Koha 23.11, OPAC http://biblio.dominikanie.pl
Poland Kraków Academic The Library of Cracow University of Technology szczudlo@biblos.pk.edu.pl http://www.biblos.pk.edu.pl Koha 3.17, OPAC http://koha.biblos.pk.edu.pl/
Poland Kraków Academic University of Agriculture in Krakow Koha 24.05, OPAC https://katalog-bg.urk.edu.pl/
Poland Kraków Academic University of the National Education Commission, Krakow Koha 23.11, OPAC https://katalog.uken.krakow.pl
Poland Kraków Academic W. Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences Koha 24.05, OPAC https://biblioteka.botany.pl
Poland Kraków Academic National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow Koha 24.05, OPAC https://katalog.ast.krakow.pl
Poland Lublin Academic University of Life Sciences in Lublin Koha 23.11, OPAC https://katalog.bg.up.lublin.pl
Poland Łomża Academic University of Lomza Koha 20.11, OPAC https://koha.al.edu.pl
Poland Olsztyn Special Library Wojciech Kętrzyński Northern Institute in Olsztyn Koha 21.05, OPAC http://ip-olsztyn.bibliosys.pl
Poland Otyn Public Library Gminna Biblioteka Publiczna w Otyniu zator@bg.univ.szczecin.pl Koha Mini PL 1.0
Poland Płock Academic Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Płock Koha 23.11, OPAC https://biblioteka.wlodkowic.pl
Poland Siedlce Academic Academy of Applied Sciences Mazovia Koha 21.05, OPAC https://b.mazovia.edu.pl
Poland Tarnów Academic University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow Koha 21.11, OPAC https://opac.anstar.edu.pl
Poland Warszawa Academic Bobolanum Library Koha 23.05, OPAC http://newkoha.bbob.pl
Poland Warszawa Special Library Centre for the Thought of John Paul II Koha 20.11, OPAC https://biblioteka.centrumjp2.pl:9443
Poland Warszawa Church libraries Federation of the Polish Church Libraries “Fides” Koha 23.11, OPAC https://katalog.fides.org.pl
Poland Warszawa Special Library Fryderyk Chopin Institute Koha 23.11, OPAC http://biblioteka.nifc.pl
Poland Warszawa Academic Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology University of Warsaw Koha 17.11, OPAC https://katalog.etnologia.uw.edu.pl
Poland Warszawa Academic Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences Koha 22.11, OPAC https://opac.inp.pan.pl
Poland Warszawa Academic Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development Polish Academy of Sciences Koha 22.11, OPAC https://opac.irwirpan.waw.pl
Poland Warszawa Academic National Institute of Telecommunications Koha 17.05, OPAC https://koha.itl.waw.pl
Poland Warszawa Special Library National Museum in Warsaw Koha 24.05, OPAC https://biblioteka.mnw.art.pl
Poland Warszawa Academic, Special, Church, Public Libraries NUKAT Koha 24.05, OPAC https://katalog.nukat.edu.pl
Poland Warszawa Special Library Pilecki Institute Koha 20.11, OPAC https://biblioteka.instytutpileckiego.pl
Poland Warszawa Special Library Polish Composer' Union Koha 22.05, OPAC https://katalog.bibliotekazkp.org.pl
Poland Warszawa Academic Warsaw School of Computer Science Koha 19.11, OPAC https://biblioteka.wwsi.edu.pl
Poland Wrocław Special library Biblioteka Centrum Studiów Zachodnich i Europejskich wejman@wbz.uni.wroc.pl Koha 3.2
Portugal Lisbon College library Biblioteca do ISCTE-IUL Maria João Amante, biblioteca@iscte.pt Koha 4.2.6 - OPAC available at http://catalogo.biblioteca.iscte-iul.pt/
Portugal Monte de Caparica, Almada College library Biblioteca da FCT/UNL div.db.helpdesk@fct.unl.pt Koha 3.8.x - OPAC available at https://opac.fct.unl.pt/
Portugal Albufeira Public Library School Libraries Biblioteca Municipal Lídia Jorge biblioteca@cm-albufeira.pt
Koha 3.14 - http://biblioteca.cm-albufeira.pt/
Portugal Azores Public Library Catálogo Coletivo de Bibliotecas Azores Regional Government ccb.paad.info@azores.gov.pt Koha 19.05 - http://ccbibliotecas.azores.gov.pt/
Russia Moscow Academic Skolkovo Business School
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
Russia Apatity, Murmansk region Academic Scientific Library of KFPetrHU. OPAC: http://library.arcticsu.ru/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl - Koha 3.x, russian interface. Self supported.
Russia Moscow University Library; School Library University Library Dmitry Pozharsky (OPAC: http://lib.s-and-e.ru/); Filippovskaya School Library (OPAC: http://lib.fschool.ru/) Nadezhda Bogdanovich Koha 3.2.x with russian interface, MARC21, UDC, BBK. Supported by Servantek.
Slovakia Banská Bystrica Academic library Theological Institute, Badín https://xaver.sk/seminarna-kniznica Pavel Vilhan, paul.vilhan@gmail.com Koha 16.11.00, live OPAC http://badin.kniznice.eu/
Slovakia Banská Bystrica College library Department of Theology and Christian Education, https://www.detm.org/library/
Pavel Vilhan, paul.vilhan@gmail.com Koha 18.05.02, live OPAC http://pdf.kniznice.eu/
Slovakia Jasov Monastery library Jasov Abbey, http://www.opatstvojasov.sk/?kniznica Pavel Vilhan, paul.vilhan@gmail.com Koha 3.8.23, live OPAC http://opatstvojasov.kniznice.eu/
Slovakia Košice Highschool library St. Thomas Aquinas Highschool, http://www.gta.sk/skolska-kniznica/skolska-kniznica-aktuality Pavel Vilhan, paul.vilhan@gmail.com Koha 3.8.23, live OPAC http://gta.kniznice.eu/
Spain Sevilla Music Academy Conservatorio Superior de Musica “Manuel Castillo” Pablo Villanueva, koha@csmsev.org Koha 2.2.3
Spain Madrid Public Library Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Santorcaz Santiago Hermira, santiago.hermira at gmail.com Koha 2.2.9
Spain Elche (Alicante) School Library Red de Bibliotecas Escolares de Altabix - Elx redbibliotecas.altabix@gmail.com, José Luis Alvarez, jalvarez@gmail.com (http://biblioteca.ivk.es) Koha 3.00.01 with Zebra
Spain Alqueria. Business OPAC here: http://alqueria.documentavalentia.com/
Implemented by Nucsoft OSS Labs (http://www.osslabs.biz)
Spain Intertecnica. Business OPAC here: http://intertecnica.documentavalentia.com/
Implemented by Nucsoft OSS Labs (http://www.osslabs.biz)
Spain Tirant lo Blanch Business
OPAC here: http://tlb.documentavalentia.com/ Implemented by Nucsoft OSS Labs (http://www.osslabs.biz)
Spain Galicia Public library network (45 branches) Red de Bibliotecas de Galicia
OPAC: http://catalogo-rbgalicia.xunta.gal
Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 3.22
Spain Santiago de Compostela Private library Escola Galega de Administración Pública Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 3.0
Spain Santiago de Compostela Special Servizo de Información Selectiva de Novidades Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 3.0
Spain Oleiros Special Biblioteca del "Centro de Extensión Universitaria e Divulgación Ambiental de Galicia" Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 3.2
Spain Vilanova de Arousa Special Biblioteca del "Centro de Investigacións Mariñas" Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 16.05
Spain Ferrol University Library Facultad de Humanidades y Documentación de la Universidad de La Coruña (Ferrol) Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 3.2
Spain Pontevedra Public library Diputación de Pontevedra Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 3.18
Spain Castelo de Santa Cruz (Oleiros) Special Centro de Extensión Universitaria e Divulgación Ambiental de Galicia (CEIDA) Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 16.05
Spain Salamanca University library Universidad Pontifica de Salamanca.
OPAC: http://koha.upsa.es
Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 3.18
Spain Cádiz University library Universidad de Cádiz.
OPAC: https://bibcatalogo.uca.es
Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 16.05
Spain Valladolid University library Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.
OPAC: https://biblioteca.uemc.es
Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 16.05
Spain Oviedo - Granada General purpose types Catálogo colectivo de la Red de Bibliotecas de los Arzobispados de Oviedo y Granada
OPAC: http://catalogo.bibliotecaseclesiasticas.es
Implemented by Xercode Media Software S.L. (http://www.xercode.es) Koha 16.05
Spain Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country Specialized in Contemporary Art Centro de Documentación del "Centro Cultural Montehermoso Kulturunea"
OPAC: https://opac-montehermoso.vitoria-gasteiz.org/
mailto:centrodocumentacionmh@vitoria-gasteiz.org Koha 22.11
Spain Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country Special Archives - Research Library Fundación Sancho el Sabio Fundazioa
OPAC: https://catalogo.sanchoelsabio.eus/ (Vufind discovery + KOHA driver)
mailto:info@sanchoelsabio.eus Koha 22.05
Spain Donostia/San Sebastián, Basque Country Specialized in Contemporary Art and Culture Medialab Tabakalera
OPAC: https://katalogoa.tabakalera.eus/
Arantza Mariskal Balerdi mailto:medialab@tabakalera.eus Koha 23.05
Spain Donostia/San Sebastián, Basque Country Special Biblioteca Diocesana de San Sebastián
OPAC: https://liburutegia.mendezmende.org/
José Ángel Garro Mujika mailto:liburutegia@mendezmende.org Koha 23.11
Spain Donostia/San Sebastián, Basque Country Specialized in human, natural, earth, and space sciences Liburutegia Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea
OPAC: https://liburutegia.aranzadi.eus/
Lourdes Ancin mailto:liburutegia@aranzadi.eus Koha 16.11
Spain Madrid, Community of Madrid Specialized in Contemporary Culture La Casa Encendida
OPAC: https://bibliotecas.montemadrid.es/
mailto:blce@montemadrid.es Koha 17.11
Spain Donostia/San Sebastián, Basque Country Specialized in visual arts and film archive Euskadiko Filmategia-Filmoteca Vasca
OPAC: http://catalogo.filmotecavasca.com/
mailto:filmoteka@filmoteka.eus Koha 23.05
Spain Zaragoza, Aragón Specialized in the fields of agri-food and the environment Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragon (CITA)
OPAC: https://biblioteca.cita-aragon.es/
mailto:mcarracedo@cita-aragon.es Koha 23.05
Spain Seville, Andalusia Specialized in studies and researches on employment Fundación Memoria y Futuro del Trabajo
OPAC: https://archivoandalucia.ccoo.es/Catalogo
Manuel Bueno mailto:archivohistorico@and.ccoo.es Koha 20.05.04
Spain Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country Specialized in basque Contemporary Culture Artium, Museum of Contemporary Art of the Basque Country
OPAC: https://biblioteca.artium.eus/
Elena Roseras mailto:eroseras@artium.eus Koha 23.05
Spain Madrid, Community of Madrid Specialized in spanish History Real Academia de la Historia
OPAC: https://catalogo.rah.es/
María Jiménez mailto:maria_jimenez@rah.es Koha 23.05
Sweden Luleå Academic Library Luleå University of Technology http://www.ltu.se/ltu/lib/Oppettider?l=en http://www.ltu.se/ltu/lib (Koha 16.05.04)
Sweden Malmo University World Maritime University
(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
Sweden Solna (Stockholm) Special Library SIPRI Library and Documentation Magdalena Söderqvist, soderqvist@sipri.org http://catalogue.sipri.org/ (Koha 3.10.x)
Sweden Stockholm Academic Library Stockholm University
http://su.se/english/library (Koha 16.05.00)
Switzerland Alpnach Dorf Special library Normenverzeichnis des Schweizerischen Vereins für Kältetechnik / SVK Chantal Hablützel (ZHAW) Koha 16.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Switzerland Bern Special library Living Room Mo Wa Baile Koha 21.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Switzerland Bern Special library Schwarze Schweiz Online Archiv / SSOA Mo Wa Baile Koha 21.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Switzerland Brugg Business Bibliothek der Metron AG Jonas Bubenhofer Koha 20.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Switzerland Einsiedeln Monastic library Stiftsbibliothek des Klosters Einsiedeln Justinus Pagnamenta Koha 22.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Switzerland Geneva Special World Intellectual Property Organization Gabor Karetka Koha 2.2 (supported by LibLime)
Switzerland Payerne School Gymnase Intercantonal de la Broye Laurent Longchamp (http://biblio.gyb.ch/) Koha 2.2
Switzerland Sarnen School Benediktiner-Kollegium Beda Szukics (http://bibliothek.kollegium-sarnen.ch/) Koha 3.12
Switzerland Schaffhausen Academic library Didaktisches Zentrum der Hochschule Schaffhausen Heinz Schäfli Koha 16.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Switzerland Winterthur Special library Stadtarchiv Winterthur Rahel Lüttringhaus Koha 18.11 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Switzerland Zizers Academic library Höhere Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik Zizers Gerhard Bissels (HTW) Koha 20.05 (supported by Admin Kuhn)
Turkey Isparta Academic Library Suleyman Demirel University (http://www.sdu.edu.tr) Suleyman Demirel University Library (http://kutuphane.sdu.edu.tr) Koha 3.22.21 Vufind 2.3.1 OPAC(Interface VUFIND)
Ukraine Bucha Academic library Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Sciences, https://lib.ugi.edu.ua/ Oleg Vasilenko (vasilenko@ugi.edu.ua) Koha 21.05
Ukraine Donets'k University theological library Library of Donetsk christian university, OPAC: - Koha 3.0 with russian interface on Debian, Dewey, Unimarc. Supported by ServanTek; Serhij Dubyk (serhijdubyk@gmail.com).
Ukraine Kharkiv University library Library of Kharkov national academy of municipal economy, http://koha.kname.edu.ua - Koha 3.16 with ukrainian interface on Arch Linux, UDC. Self supported.
Ukraine Kyiv, Pushcha-Vodytsia Academic library Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, http://lib.uets.net/ Oleg Vasilenko (vasilenko@ugi.edu.ua) Koha 23.05
Ukraine Kyiv Academic library Kyiv Theological Seminary, http://koha.kts.org.ua:8080/ ServanTek; Supported by Serhij Dubyk (serhijdubyk@gmail.com). Koha 17.05
Ukraine L'viv Theological library L'viv Theological Seminary Library, http://koha.lts.lviv.ua:8008/ Olena Shevchuk & Serhij Dubyk Koha 20.11 with ukrainian interface on Debian, Dewey, Unimarc. Supported by ServanTek; Serhij Dubyk (serhijdubyk@gmail.com).
Ukraine Ternopil' University library Scientific and technical library of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, http://koha.tntu.edu.ua Serhij Dubyk (serhijdubyk@gmail.com) Koha 21.05 with ukrainian interface on Debian, UDC, Unimarc. Supported by Serhij Dubyk (serhijdubyk@gmail.com).
UK Oxford Special BetterValue Healthcare
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK London Special Booz & Co
(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK London Special Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Library and information Service
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK Potters Bar School Dame Alice Owen's School Sheila Compton (ComptonS@damealiceowens.herts.sch.uk) Koha 3.02.07 (Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK London Charity / Special Vaughan Williams Memorial Library Elaine Bradtke (eb@efdss.org)Cataloguing; Laura Smyth (laura.smyth@efdss.org) Library Director OPAC; Part of the English Folk Dance and Song Society
UK London Charity The Feminist Library
UK Halton Public Halton Public Libraries
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK Kettering Special Kettering General Hostpital
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK London Academic London Global Gateway Library (University of Notre Dame)
OPAC (Supported by Hesburgh Libraries)
UK London Law Pinsent Masons
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK London Charity Race Equality Foundation
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK London Special Royal Pharmesutical Society of Great Britain
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK Milton Keynes Home Library (3000vols) Private Nigel Titley (nigel_at_titley.com) Data entry
UK Surrey Home library Private Jenny S-T (jenny_scott_thompson @hotmail.com) Koha 3 on Kubuntu 8.04, attempting to catalogue books by hand
UK Edinburgh Special Scottish Poetry Library
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK Stoke-on-Trent Academic Staffordshire University
OPAC 17.11(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK London Special Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK Kew Government The National Archive
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK London Special The King's Fund Matthew Hale OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK Worcester Special Worcestershire Health Libraries
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK Birmingham, Solihull and the Black Country Health BASE Library Consortium
OPAC(Supported by PTFS-Europe)
UK London Special London Irish Centre Implemented by Interleaf Technology Ltd (http://www.interleaf.ie) Koha 3.22.05
UK London Academic University of West London UWL Library Services library--at--uwl.ac.uk Supported by PTFS-Europe