IRC Regulars
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Note: This page is obsolete. The community now uses as the main chat platform.
If you hang out in #koha on [], please feel free to add your name and a short description here (alphabetically by nick). This will help new folks to #koha know who you are.
Another cool page for getting to know people is the Community Facebook
- AdamB - Adam Brooks, ByWater Solutions
- aleisha - Aleisha Amohia, Catalyst IT New Zealand, Developer for Koha since 2014
- alex_a - Alex Arnaud, Biblibre
- alexbuckley - Alex Buckley, Catalyst IT New Zealand, Developer for Koha since 2016
- Amit - Amit Gupta, from India, an engineer with Nucsoft Osslabs
- amoyano - Agustín Moyano, Theke Solutions
- andreashm - Andreas Hedström Mace, Systems librarian, Stockholm University Library
- AndrewFH - Andrew Fuerste-Henry, Pipeline Coordinator, ByWater Solutions
- aroussos - Andreas Roussos, Systems Librarian, Holy Monastery of the Paraclete, Greece
- Ashimema - Martin Renvoize, Head of Developement and Community Engagement at PTFS Europe
- atheia - Alex Sassmannshausen, PTFS Europe, Belgium
- blou - Philippe Blouin, CTO inLibro
- BobB - Bob Birchall, director of CALYX information essentials, a Koha support company in Australia
- bag - Brendan A Gallagher, owner and director of ByWater Solutions
- barton - Barton Chittenden (Louisville Kentucky, USA)
- caboose - Michael Cabus, USA (Princeton NJ)
- cait - Katrin Fischer (she/her), system librarian, IT coordinator, BSZ, Germany
- calire - Claire Gravely, Systems Librarian, Germany (previously LibraryClaire)
- caroline - Caroline Cyr La Rose (she/her), Librarian, InLibro (also caroline_catlady, caroline_crazycatlady depending if IRC likes me that day)
- cbrannon - Christopher Brannon, IT Coordinator/Coeur d'Alene Public Library, Cooperative Information Network (CIN)
- chris_n - Chris Nighswonger, Network & Systems Director, Foundations Bible College
- cjh - Chris Hall, developer, Catalyst
- clrh - Claire Hernandez, R&d, BibLibre
- collum - Garry Collum, Systems Coordinator, Kenton County Public Library
- d.antonakis - Dimitris Antonakis, Systems Librarian, PotamitisVekris law firm, Greece
- davidnind - David Nind, New Zealand
- dbs - Dan Scott, Systems Librarian, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada
- dcook - David Cook, Senior Software Engineer, Prosentient Systems, Sydney, Australia
- drojf - Mirko Tietgen, Berlin, Germany,
- druthb - D Ruth Bavousett, 3.12 Translation Manager, now working at CPanel
- dpavlin - Dobrica Pavlinušić, system librarian, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
- Dyrcona - Jason Stephenson, lurker from the Evergreen community
- ebegin - Eric Bégin, owner of InLibro, Montréal, Canada
- edveal - Ed Veal, Anna Community Library, Anna, TX, USA
- emlam - Emily Lamancusa, Montgomery County Public Libraries, MD, USA
- enkidu - Mengü Yazıcıoğlu, owner of Devinim
- eric - Eric Bégin, owner of inLibro
- eythian - Robin Sheat, formerly a developer at Catalyst, now a lurker.
- francharb - Ex BibLibre and Solutions inLibro inc.
- Freddy_Enrique - Freddy Enrique P. H. (Lima, Perú), librarian in National Superior Autonomous School of Fine Arts.
- frederic - Frédéric Demians, from Tamil
- fridolin - Fridolin Somers from BibLibre
- gmcharlt - Galen Charlton, Equinox
- greenjimll - Jon Knight, Loughborough University
- hayley - Hayley Mapley, Catalyst IT New Zealand, Dev for Koha team, Rmaint for 18.11.x
- hbraum - Heather Braum, Northeast Kansas Library System, NExpress Consortia Coordinator, Lawrence, KS, on Koha since 2008.
- hdl - Henri-Damien Laurent, from France, co-owner of BibLibre member of Koha developers since 2004
- huberto - Olivier Hubert, software develope at inLibro
- indradg - Indranil Das Gupta, Kolkata, India
- irma - Irma Birchall,librarian,director of CALYX information essentials supporting Koha in Australia since 2003
- jajm - Julian Maurice
- jcamins - Jared Camins-Esakov, founder of C & P Bibliography Services
- JesseM - Jesse Maseto, Bywater Solutions
- jo - Joann Ransom, Librarian, Horowhenua Library Trust. Worked on the very first Koha back in 1999.
- josef_moravec - Josef Moravec, Municipal library Usti nad Orlici
- Joubu - Jonathan Druart
- jpahd - Paul Derscheid, Software Engineer at LMSCloud GmbH, Germany. Also known as paulderscheid[m].
- Jul - Julian Fiol
- jwagner - Jane Wagner, Senior Project Manager, PTFS
- jzairo - Jessica Zairo, ByWater Solutions, [1]
- kathryn - Kathryn Tyree, Koha Services Manager at Catalyst IT
- kchris - Chris Kirby, Ilsley Public Library/GMLC, Vermont, US
- khall - Kyle Hall, Lead programmer for ByWater Solutions
- kidclamp - Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions (wnickc)
- kmkale - Koustubha Kale, Anant Corporation and, India
- kohaputti - Joonas Kylmälä, just a Koha developer, Finland
- krimsonkharne - Philip Orr, Support at LMSCloud GmbH, Germany
- larryb - Larry Baerveldt, Seattle, WA, USA
- LeeJ - Lee Jamison, Marywood University, Scranton, PA
- libsysguy - Elliott Davis, Development Support Specialist
- liliputech - Arthur Suzuki, Development Support @BibLibre, France.
- lisette - Lisette Scheer, Development Team, ByWater Solutions, WA, USA
- lukeG - Lucas Gass, Web Developer ByWater Solutions, Durango, CO, USA
- magnuse - Magnus Enger, librarian, owner of Libriotech, Bodø, Norway. Currently working in a part time, temporary position at Oslo Public Library, Norway.
- marcelr - Marcel de Rooy, Netherlands
- matts - Matthias Meusburger, developer at BibLibre
- maximep - Maxime Pelletier, web developer for Libéo
- mkstephens - Myka Kennedy Stephens, Fosgail LLC, Lancaster, PA, USA
- mtompset - Mark Tompsett
- mveron - Marc Véron, from Switzerland, Koha Support Schweiz
- nancyk - Nancy Keener, Systems Librarian, Washoe County Library System, KohaCon'13 Chair,
- NateC - Nate Curulla, ByWater Solutions
- ncbaratta - Nicole C. Baratta, Red Hat, Austin, TX USA (was nengard)
- nlegrand - Nicolas Legrand, Koha administrator at BULAC
- nuentoter - Justin Martin, Director and only tech staff for Abel J. Morneault Memorial Library, Van Buren, Maine, USA.
- nugged - Andrew Nugged. Koha Lead in National Library of Finland, Helsinki Univesity. You can reach me there as well as in LinkedIn.
- Oak - Arslan Farooq, from Pakistan, works for LinuxPakistan, web developer, works in Joomla, MLIS last semester student.
- oha - Francesco Rivetti
- oleonard - (he/him) Owen Leonard, web developer for the Athens County Public Libraries and Koha interface designer
- pabloab - Pablo Bianchi, Argentina
- paul_p - Paul Poulain, from France, co-owner of BibLibre member of Koha developers since 2002
- paulderscheid[m] - Paul Derscheid, Software Engineer at LMSCloud GmbH, Germany. Also known as jpahd.
- petter - Petter G. ~Esen, Oslo public libraryl
- pianohacker - Jesse Weaver, programmer
- phasefx - Jason Etheridge, lurker from the code4lib and Evergreen communities
- rangi - Chris Cormack, Senior developer with Catalyst, (previously LibLime, and Katipo before that). Koha developer since 1999
- rhcl - Greg, Network Administrator at Rolling Hills Consolidated Library, St. Joseph, Missouri, USA.
- ricardo - Ricardo Dias Marques, Portugal
- schnydszch - Eugene Espinoza Manila, Philippines
- sekjal - Ian Walls, Koha 3.6 Quality Assurance Manager
- SelfishMan - Blaine Fleming, code monkey for Livingston-Park County Public Library and several other Montana libraries
- severine_q - Séverine Queune, Koha functional administrator at BULAC
- slef - English member of the TTLLP - a tech worker co-op supporting Koha since 2003
- Space_Librarian - Shelley Gurney, librarian
- talljoy - Joy Nelson
- tcohen - Tomás Cohen Arazi, Theke Solutions
- thd - Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City
- trea - Thatcher Rea, Support Specialist
- tuxayo - Victor Grousset from France, independent community worker.
- vfernandes - Vitor Fernandes, developer for KEEP SOLUTIONS
- Viktor - Viktor Sarge, senior regional library development officer (Regional library of Halland)
- Wainui - Wainui Witika-Park, Catalyst IT New Zealand, Developer for Koha since 2021
- wizzyrea - Liz Rea, Swiss Army Kohacker
If a user is not in this list, but has taken part in an IRC meeting, you may be able to find them in the IRC logs.
Channel Bots
- alohalog` - logs the channel at - Run by mtj (Mason James:
- AnnaBoten - Manages the ducks. Run by Matts
- huginn - Karma, messages, bug status change messages, bug linker, etc. - Run by gmcharlt
- koha-jenkins - continuous integration results - Run by Tomas Cohen Arazi
- logbot - logs the channel at - Run by Chris Cormack
- wahanui - info bot, greeter, master troller - run by rangi, living on