General IRC meeting, 9 January 2013

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The #koha IRC channel (IRC server


9 January 2013 at 10:00 UTC

Conversions to your local time:


  • Introductions (please use "#info" in front of your introduction to have it show up in the automatic minutes)
  • Announcements
  • Update on 3.8
  • Update on 3.10
  • Update on 3.12
  • Kohacon2013
  • Cleaning bugzilla?! (see below)
  • A "Developer's handbook" on the wiki? (see below)
  • Actions from General IRC meeting, 5 December 2012
  • Set time of next meeting

Cleaning bugzilla

I tried cleaning bugzilla a little, starting with the oldest 'new' bugs. It takes a lot of time to check whether these things are fixed several years later or still valid. I would prefer to see that time go into more relevant work and have a usable bug tracker.

Our bug tracker shows 1614 bugs as new, reopened, assigned. Some of them dating back to 2008, imported from the old tracker, reported by people that do not have an account on the 'new' bugzilla. I'd like to see a discussion/ vote on marking a good part of them as resolved-wontfix automagically, maybe based on date-added, last-modified and if imported or reported genuinely to the 'new' bugtracker. Other ideas welcome of course. -- drojf

Developer's handbook

The wiki has a lot of interesting stuff in it, and some of it is really important for developers, and especially for new developers. But finding the really golden nuggets can probably be a bit daunting for newcomers. I'd like to propose the creation of a "developers handbook" in the wiki, as follows:

  • Identify the most important pages for (new) developers
  • Organize those pages into some kind of "table of contents" (TOC), with a more or less logical grouping
  • Create a template with that TOC, and add it to the bottom of all the pages that are included, so the important pages are tied closer together

I'm volunteering to do the actual leg work, but will of course be grateful for any help in identifying the important pages. If anyone objects strongly to this kind of thing I will of couse refrain from doing it. :-) --Magnus 05:38, 28 December 2012 (EST)




Next meeting

General IRC meeting, 7 February 2013